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Download help for Mac

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    Download help for Mac

    Okay I bought the guide, the purchase went through. I have done everything including the last resort step to get the Zygor guide to even appear on my Add on screen. Yes I enabled everything on that page. I downloaded the manual folder, placed it in the appropriate place, and absolutely nothing. What am I doing wrong?

    Have you followed all of the steps here?

    It may seem narcissistic to link this, but it's awesome nonetheless.


      Originally posted by robertotten36 View Post
      Okay I bought the guide, the purchase went through. I have done everything including the last resort step to get the Zygor guide to even appear on my Add on screen. Yes I enabled everything on that page. I downloaded the manual folder, placed it in the appropriate place, and absolutely nothing. What am I doing wrong?
      Most common problem is the "load out of date addons" selector is not checked.

      When you log in, before you choose a toon to play there is the addons button at the bottom left of your screen. Open this and then look top right. If it is checked already, let me know and Ill walk you through the process again.
      "The voices in my head may not be real, but they have some good ideas."

