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Discounts for new customers, what about the loyal ones?

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    Discounts for new customers, what about the loyal ones?


    I've seen mad price drops over and over again over the last 5 months, and i have been one of the many people who purchased your guide up front for quite a bit more then the 50% off prices you offer now. In fact i purchased both guides when you charged for each individually, plus upgrade, putting me 8x over the current going rate...

    I know what most of you are going to say, and your right... that i have gotten more use of the guides, hence the value created for the price tag back in the day, but it is still daunting to see people pay 1/8 the price of what i did back when i purchased the guides up front...

    My question is, with the current hefty price drop, are you going to do anything special for those who purchased these guides at full split price for both horde and alliance guides over the years, or are we gonig to get the same upgrade price that new customers will get once the new expansion updates hit? I personally would think it a nice touch to reward old time loyal customers since early BC with a bit of an additional discount over those who are jumping on board today with the full discounted price.

    just my 2 cents.

    Talking business-wise the two price settings you are talking about are two separate things.
    One is to reward old and loyal customers, the other is to attract new customers. It is a commonly used business strategy to give discounts to first-time customers to attract them and should not be confused with the first one.
    Apart from it being a normal marketing strategy we are also in the mids of a financial crisis, where many companies all over the world had to cut prices in order to do any business at all. Don't be too hard on the guys, they are doing a great job .

    Having said this, despite understanding Zygor, who is managing a business after all, I also understand your feelings. I've been a customer since Burning crusade and have both horde and alliance guides myself. Ask nicely, and maybe they'll feel generous


      You buy a car in 2008. 2009 comes around and that exact same car is now selling for 1/2 of what you paid for it. Do you go back and ask if you can get upgrades for a discounted price over someone who bought the car in 2009, just because you paid more for it?

      Sorry, but this is a fact of business. Prices change over time. This does not affect what you paid previously and does not warrant any special pricing because you paid more for whatever before the price changed.


        The discounted prices can be enjoyed by old loyal customers as well. If you already bought say our leveling guides then it won't do you much good giving a discount on the leveling guides, but you can always get the dailies guides if you don't have them. All of the discounts available to new customers are available to current customers as well.
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          Originally posted by ZG Support View Post
          The discounted prices can be enjoyed by old loyal customers as well. If you already bought say our leveling guides then it won't do you much use giving a discount on the leveling guides. All of the discounts available to new customers are available to current customers as well.

          I of course am referring to a discount on the upcomming cataclysm guides for loyal customers.

          I know asking about this would attract some fan-boys to speak against the request, but i feel it is not out of the question to think of the idea of rewarding one who has been purchasing all your new offerings since early BC with, say, a 10% discount on future offerings. Many companies have a customer loyalty program to keep them coming back, and spreading word of mouth to potential new customers, so in a way it can be a very beneficial marketing technique.

          Just a suggestion. Sorry fanboys... i'm sure if you want to go above and beyond there are ways you can make monetary donations to the project. Thanks for trolling!


            I think that is a good idea myself. I dont have a problem with customer loyalty offerings.
            "The voices in my head may not be real, but they have some good ideas."


              Wondering what happened to the discount. Went to pickup the Horde & Alliance Dailies bundle and the Horde lvling guide which yesterday when I looked (but had to wait til I got paid to buy) would have been under $60 now both will over cost $90?


                Originally posted by khenzel View Post
                I of course am referring to a discount on the upcomming cataclysm guides for loyal customers.

                I know asking about this would attract some fan-boys to speak against the request, but i feel it is not out of the question to think of the idea of rewarding one who has been purchasing all your new offerings since early BC with, say, a 10% discount on future offerings. Many companies have a customer loyalty program to keep them coming back, and spreading word of mouth to potential new customers, so in a way it can be a very beneficial marketing technique.

                Just a suggestion. Sorry fanboys... i'm sure if you want to go above and beyond there are ways you can make monetary donations to the project. Thanks for trolling!
                Do you really mean to suggest that if anyone, such as myself, disagrees with you they are therefore fanboys or trolls? Personally, I don't see the logic behind your request ... I'd just repeat the car buying analogy above to show you why what you suggest is hardly a reason to be upset at Zygor.

                Certainly, I'll take a discount, but to argue that current discounts are a slight to long time customers is just plain silly.

                Although, not as silly as calling anyone who disagrees with you a troll or fanboy.


                  Originally posted by saerth View Post
                  Wondering what happened to the discount. Went to pickup the Horde & Alliance Dailies bundle and the Horde lvling guide which yesterday when I looked (but had to wait til I got paid to buy) would have been under $60 now both will over cost $90?
                  Zygor had been running a special promotion last week that just ended and that's why you see a price difference. The normal bundle price for the Horde and Alliance Dailies guides is $60 and the Horde Leveling guide by itself is $40.
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                  I reject your reality and substitute my own.

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                    Originally posted by khenzel View Post

                    I've seen mad price drops over and over again over the last 5 months, and i have been one of the many people who purchased your guide up front for quite a bit more then the 50% off prices you offer now. In fact i purchased both guides when you charged for each individually, plus upgrade, putting me 8x over the current going rate...

                    I know what most of you are going to say, and your right... that i have gotten more use of the guides, hence the value created for the price tag back in the day, but it is still daunting to see people pay 1/8 the price of what i did back when i purchased the guides up front...

                    My question is, with the current hefty price drop, are you going to do anything special for those who purchased these guides at full split price for both horde and alliance guides over the years, or are we gonig to get the same upgrade price that new customers will get once the new expansion updates hit? I personally would think it a nice touch to reward old time loyal customers since early BC with a bit of an additional discount over those who are jumping on board today with the full discounted price.

                    just my 2 cents.

                    Are you also asking the same loyal customer request from Blizzard? Classic, BC and LK and now selling for a fraction of the price of what they were when they came out. Do I have my nose out of joint thinking that a 'newbie' can buy all 3 for a fraction of what I paid?? No.

                    Good luck at trying to get a discount on your Cataclysm Expansion!

                    If you want the newest gadget now, you pay top dollar. Wait a year and you will get it half price. That is life.

                    If your not happy with the price....dont buy it. It is really that simple.

