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fps problems

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    fps problems

    when ever i use my zygor guide my fps drops really bad anything i can do to stop this?

    Update your guides.
    My Flight Path Follies guide

    A pessimist knows all women are bad... an optimist hopes they are.

    I reject your reality and substitute my own.

    All foreign languages are done with Google Translate.


      am on the newest guide


        i didnt have these problems yesterday befor the new patch and my pc as more than enough to handle wow and the guide i dunno what the problem is


          I had problems with FPS and using zygor's guide.

          However, when I re-downloaded and ran the updater, the FPS problem went away. Try updating your guide again.


            tryed it 3 times now same problem tryed everything even turned all setting down to check same thing


              Supposedly there are a lot of various addons giving problems related to fps (Zygor's possibly included) since the 4.0.1 patch went live. Make sure that all of your addons are updated, and hopefully this will all be sorted out soon by all of the various addon authors.
              My Flight Path Follies guide

              A pessimist knows all women are bad... an optimist hopes they are.

              I reject your reality and substitute my own.

              All foreign languages are done with Google Translate.


                :S i have same problem ...


                  I've had FPS issues and only have Zygor installed. I tried the repair option several times and this didn't work. I've got it back to near normal now again with deleting the addons folder, WFT and cache in my WoW folder, then running repair on the zygor installer. Maybe a bit drastic but it worked


                    i just click repair install on zygor updater WITHOUT deleteing addons and WTF folder exited wow and it works now thanks zygor your the best

                    spectral tiger hug :3


                      I posted about the same thing. Its DEFINITELY Zygor causing this issue. Once I disabled zygors my wow ran normal , enabled = shitty FPS


                        What are your computers system specs? How intensive are you running the actual game?
                        Zygor Guides Creative Director


                          I was having bad fps - but someone mentioned repair button on the zygor launcher;

                          and that has done the trick;

                          running smooth and lovely jubly


                            Im not gonna take the time to list all my system specs to debate this issue. My PC is beastly Just letting you know that its zygors causing the fps issues ... at least on my end. Put two and two together with other complaints of the exact same issue and you will see that its the V3 update. Just post a way to resolve this and I will be happy as a clam !!!

                            Im also at work now and have not tried the repair option... so that might be my issue as well. So if thats all we have to do then Ill check it on my lunch hour


                              I had same problem. I performed a repair and FPS appears to be better now, but have not tested in anger yet.

