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Incorporating LFG in guide?

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    Incorporating LFG in guide?

    I did a quick search and couldn't really find the answer.

    I was curious if the way the LFG dungeon finder has been implemented, if the makers of this guide are planning on incorporating dungeon quests into the guide, and optional setup would be very useful. As the XP from doing the dungeons and the quests involved are huge XP.

    ty, and sorry if this has been addressed.

    Awesome guide, btw, have leveled several toons to 80 using it. Keep up the good work.

    There has been discussion of a Dungeon guide, but this would not come out for a while since the near future holds Cataclysm and the Gold & Professions Guides. Also keep in mind that if the team do develop a Dungeon guide, it will most probably be a separate purchase like the Dailies & Events guide is.
    My Flight Path Follies guide

    A pessimist knows all women are bad... an optimist hopes they are.

    I reject your reality and substitute my own.

    All foreign languages are done with Google Translate.

