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New Level 80 Shadow Priest

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    New Level 80 Shadow Priest

    I hit level 80 last night with just under 10 days /played.

    Anyone have a speed record and share how they did it?
    I'd rather not hear about the RAF way, but rather how I can do it myself.

    Also, if there's a way to pay others to help, I'd like to hear that too--just so I have a good idea how to level and not buy another account (or do anything illegal).


    my priest hit 80 a week ago, just over 7 days /played. That included leveling professions along the way and checking out the auction house. No secret to it, i just followed Zygors guide, and lined up for random dungeons while questing


      Interesting--were you a healer or a DPS role?
      I also went around and got 450 mining and herbalism.
      I started a new character and it's hard do just pass up all the nodes to harvest!
      (I went with two different professions)


        I leveled as shadow, i'm a horrible healer hehe
        My profs i went with were tailoring and enchanting.
        This toon is my 5th 80, so maybe that's why you were a bit slower (assuming it was your first?)


          Most of my characters were leveld before Blizzard increased the experience gained by quests below level 70.
          The fastest leveling alliance character is a shadow priest who reched level 80 in 6 days, 10 hours and 11 minutes (using heirlooms from 70 to 80). Without heirlooms my alliance paladin reached level 80 in 6 days and 13 hours.
          For horde I have only chars played entirely without heirlooms, the only level 80 being a paladin who reached level 80 in 5 days and 21 hours. A shadow priest is now at level 69 with 3 days and 22 hours which is 7 hours faster than the paladin.
          None of the characters ever visited a dungeon while leveling and usually have two gathering professions. And except the currently played horde priest no other character was able to fly in Northrend until level 77 (thanks for introducing that too late Blizzard...).

