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So which continent?

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    So which continent?

    This is more of a curiosity question that I'm sure will be answered once the servers come back up and we can actually use the new guides (but who know when that'll be )...

    But is your character "tied" to a certain continent's guide based on what race you play? For example, if I create a Human character, will I be "stuck" playing in the Eastern Kingdoms, or can the Kalimdor guide be used.

    Regardless, looking forward to trying everything out!

    Most likely after you complete the starting zone for you race you can choose either.
    I'm Rebur, Tadia, or Judianna most games.
    Twitter @Chaos5061.
    Translations are done with Google Translate.


      Originally posted by deacongtg View Post
      is your character "tied" to a certain continent's guide based on what race you play? For example, if I create a Human character, will I be "stuck" playing in the Eastern Kingdoms, or can the Kalimdor guide be used.

      Regardless, looking forward to trying everything out!
      With the way the game is designed is would be disadvantageous to jump back and forth between continents, although if you are desperate to do this, it is possible but you will run into snags. We don't recommend it.
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