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For Anyone intrested in a Realm first

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    For Anyone intrested in a Realm first

    just thought i would give my experience of beta

    on beta my best leveling speed from 80-85 has been 20 hours 17 min

    there are 2 ways to think of leveling SPEED and getting server first/class first Or Getting into raiding content first

    If your going to go for any class first you will need to do the list
    1.Empty all Bp
    2. Fill 2 Bags With Potions
    For Example
    200 x Flask of Pure Mojo
    100x Runic Healing Potion/Runic Mana Potion depending on class
    3. If you have Any Teleport items keep a couple of them in your backpack
    For Example
    Loop of the Kirin Tor
    the reason you will want this is for step 4

    4. Day before cata complete 24 daily quests
    i Suggest Ice crown and Tournament ect

    5. Set your hearthstone to Moon glade or Ogrimmar or Blackrock mountain (this will be depending on what leveling method you are using
    5a. Moon glade if your leveling in mh
    5b. Ogrimmar if your leveling in Vashj'ir
    5c. Blackrock mountain if your leveling in instances

    Now when you Login you will want to do this
    (you will be in Org Or Sw)

    1.GO to flight master and buy your flight licence
    2.use your Loop of the Kirin Tor to port to dal
    3.fly and hand in daily quests
    4.use your hearthstone
    Start questing or go into instances

    a small break down of the methods

    1. Instances (not on my pc atm so can't access my charts)

    Level 80-82
    Blackrock Caverns
    BRC is a level 80-82 instance (if you did 25 daily quests) it will take 7 Runs to get to level 82 should take around 25-34 mins per run (if your in a guild run) you will make around 500k per run

    Level 82-84
    The Stonecore
    it will take around 16 runs at 30-35 mins per run you will make around 600k

    Level 84-85
    Grim Batol
    it will take around 35 mins per run and take 10 runs

    Total Time to Level + traveling around 17 hours (this is if your in full 277 to start with and know the instances) if not expect a time of around 20 hours

    2.Questing (i did questing 80-85 in around 23 hours) this was after 3 attempts and this was the fastest i could do it (am guessing zygor will have a time around the 20 hour mark) along as you don't get stuck behind everyone

    Now the method i will be using

    Level 80-82
    Blackrock Caverns
    BRC is a level 80-82 instance (if you did 25 daily quests) it will take 7 Runs to get to level 82 should take around 25-34 mins per run (if your in a guild run) you will make around 500k per run



    Twilight Highlands

    The reason i will be using this method is because mh and Vashj'ir will have around 1,000 players per zone per realm
    so if i do BRC and can jump ahead of the curve then questing in the zones will be almost empty

    now there is a second reason i will be questing instead of running instances is because of rep
    each new faction have New Epics (Ilevel 359) Grim Batol Heroics only drop ilevel 346

    aswell as there Tabard at friendly so well am questing and running Dungeons with Tabard on getting rep i will gear up faster than if you just run instances because if you run instances you will need to go back at 1 point and start questing to get rep

    hope this helps i will come back and post incase my numbers are off just going by memory

    NOTE: this is only for the realm First because of the amount of players who will be starting at midnight

    Zygors Guide will be alot faster after the first couple of weeks since zones will be quiet again

    Instead of filling your backpack up with stuff, you could mail yourself the items from an alt and take them out of the mail as needed.

    Also, Im pretty sure they nerfed the XP in BRC over the past 2-3 weeks. Remember you have to discover the entrance to the dungeons before you can enter them via LFD as well.

    Did they finally add a innkeeper to moonglade? There has never been one in the past and I didn't check on beta.

    I'm not going for realm firsts, but Ill be trying to level like I am just for fun. I plan on hopefully getting to MH as fast as possible and hopefully getting out ahead of people. Its just me(boomkin) and my friend(rogue) leveling together so hopefully we get pretty good at tagging mobs.

    Good luck to ya!


      Nice man.. thanks for the heads up.
      I am CDO. This is a lot like OCD, except the letters are in alphabetical order... as they should be.

