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Version 3.0 Revealed!

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    The mouse hover timing wasn't my suggestion, I suggested the different colors for the framework.
    My Flight Path Follies guide

    A pessimist knows all women are bad... an optimist hopes they are.

    I reject your reality and substitute my own.

    All foreign languages are done with Google Translate.


      Originally posted by Zygor Support 2 View Post
      Yes, Version 3.0 will be available to all customers who have purchased any product from us.

      cant wait for 3.0 at 5 days it says on my login auto update when catas release so when cata release my guides wil be automate update?


        Just run the Zygor Updater and when the update is available it will install it for you.
        My Flight Path Follies guide

        A pessimist knows all women are bad... an optimist hopes they are.

        I reject your reality and substitute my own.

        All foreign languages are done with Google Translate.


          Originally posted by sommerling View Post
          You could compare Zygor Guides to Apple in terms of quality and the other leveling guides would represent Android
          OK? If that's the case, then I'm dropping Zugor Guides ASAP

          The CIA deliberately spread misinformation that tin-foil hats prevent mind control.
          The horrible truth is, that tinfoil hats enable mind control.

          Si vis pacem, para bellum


            Originally posted by voltec View Post
            I like this too... basically 3 options:
            Option 1: Full info and borders
            Option 2: Full info - hide borders
            Option 3: "Minimalistic View" - 1 line per quest, expandable w/ mouse-over, no borders

            All three of these options will be available when version 3.0 is sent out Monday, December 6th. The only difference is with option 3. Showing 1 line per quest is not the best way to present the information if there are multiple objectives in a single area, so while it will reduce the steps to just the step goals, it will always show multiple goals when beneficial.
            Zygor Guides Creative Director


              Looks great to me, but I had no issues with the full screen, but a screen telling you to do more than 1 thing in Area is GREAT! Good work.


                I love zygor i dont really "NEED" it...Hell I have 6 level 80's and only 2 of them were leveled all the way with zygor...I just find it does most of my work for me...Since I have 3 kids, 2 cats, and a husband to take care of, plus an entire house and my schoolwork, then being a guild master of 2 different guilds. I am naturally really busy..I remember taking forever and a day to level 1 lkevel....Like it wuld take me 3 days to get one level./ But with zygor I log in and look at that instead of trying to remember where I was the day before. The oddest part is now I am level a paladin... Idont have the alliance guide because she is my first true alliance tooon. I am begging my husband to let me get the ally guide. He said maybe today I can since we got paid btu gotta pay other bills. I pulled the "But you did not get anything for me for our anniversary...we didnt go out! If you get this for me or let me gtet it it will make up for it!" LOL so hopefully he falls into the "womens trap" and lets me get it LOL./ anyhow. Zygor is a wonderful addition, thoguh on ally side ri9ght now I struggle because without zygor I dont evern have questhelper! so I find myself calling my dad "dad, where does zygor say this is?" cuz he has the alliance guide LOL and he actually has leveled a gtoon to my level and now we quest together so I can use zygor grouped with him I just let him tell me what to do LOL It works...for now but I hate grouping all time..I am spoiled by having more then one 80 and by zygor leveling guides I can not wait till next week when we can start leveling to 85! as odd as this is...I think my first level 85 will nbe my pally who is ojnly level 29 now!
                I make videos on youtube! Check em out, gaming videos mostly, and got my video testimonials for zygor stuff there!


                  I would like to say I prefer V2's look but do understand that it isn't the easyest to get use to but now I know what all the buttons do I love it! Feels really nice and I LOVE the cogs that turn etc (like the direction arrow)
                  Sooo I would like to put my vote into getting this skin added. Maybe not necerceryally in the exact way it was in V2 as I did have a problem with the "Current Guide" roll out cog that seemed to need me to mouse over it a few times before it came out most of the time!

                  The other point I would like to say is ONE thing (from looking at the video) I like better about V2 than V3 is the next/previous task buttons. In V2 they are up/down which is the way the tasks are layed out (like the scroll bar which goes up/down) but in V3 it looks like the next/previous button is left/right and the tasks go up/down... That looks wrong!

                  SOO to sum up glad your working on new stuff but please don't throw way your old stuff V2 was an amazing UI and you did a really good job of it! A few tweaks for that cog (maybe have it always out and just rotate like a cog when you moused over?) also maybe the options button (that is a tick currently) could be changed to some that is a more standard options icon (sorry I don't know what just the tick didn't feel like an option! ) and I would love to have it as a skining option.




                    I am very excited about the minimalist skin. Oftentimes, I close the current GIGANTORIFIC skin.


                      I would just like to say that all the work you guys put in to Zygor Guides is appreciated. No guide will have 100% perfection, but you guys come as close to it as possible. {smiles} I originally bought the Alliance guide years ago, and it helped me immensely because I was having problems. Then, when I could afford it, I bought the Horde guide to give that side a try. I never would have been able to do the Horde at all if it wasn't for the guide. I'd been Alliance so long that I just couldn't get the knack of the Horde.

                      So thank you for everything. You are always right on top of new patches and changes, and I know I can count on Zygor to take care of things. I've been away for a year (still paying Blizzard though to not lose my characters), and without these guides I would have completely been lost in all the changes that have occurred since then. With the guides, I was able to find my way back in to the swing without all the frustration I knew I would have suffered through.


                      P.S. I also wanted to add that even when I thought I'd have to pay full price again, the notes I received when trying to buy the full version helped me to find my original account with you to save money. You don't just drop us if we haven't done anything for a while. That was a real relief, and a welcomed one too.
                      Last edited by Beth73; December 2, 2010, 02:29 AM. Reason: Added P.S.


                        Originally posted by Beth73 View Post
                        I would just like to say that all the work you guys put in to Zygor Guides is appreciated. No guide will have 100% perfection, but you guys come as close to it as possible. {smiles} I originally bought the Alliance guide years ago, and it helped me immensely because I was having problems. Then, when I could afford it, I bought the Horde guide to give that side a try. I never would have been able to do the Horde at all if it wasn't for the guide. I'd been Alliance so long that I just couldn't get the knack of the Horde.

                        So thank you for everything. You are always right on top of new patches and changes, and I know I can count on Zygor to take care of things. I've been away for a year (still paying Blizzard though to not lose my characters), and without these guides I would have completely been lost in all the changes that have occurred since then. With the guides, I was able to find my way back in to the swing without all the frustration I knew I would have suffered through.

                        Besides your character names, Blizzard will never delete your chars or any items/gold you have.
                        Just thought I'd give you that heads up since you've been spending alot of money on something you didn't play for a while =)


                          The character names would only be deleted if someone reports teh name for some reason. On my server you can get reported fpor not having a role playing name. My dad had quitg playing for a year and comes back all his toons in check and there and he had cancelled his subscription. Every time my husband goes out to sea for any more then 30 days we cancel his subscription only reactivating if I need soemthing from hisd account which is never since I have 6 level 80's....but Blizzartd will even tell you the charfacters will stay there. In fact as proof I have an account that I shut down a long time ago , about 2 yearsd ago is when it was shut down. I got hacked a week ago and I went to check this account because the hacker reactivated it. My sister's level 15 hunter was still there and that was 2 yrs. ago. dont pay for the account if your not going to use it. It is a worth of money andc that 15 bucks can go towards something more worth it if your not going to play wow
                          I make videos on youtube! Check em out, gaming videos mostly, and got my video testimonials for zygor stuff there!

