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special features and dad account hacked :(

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    special features and dad account hacked :(

    hi look iam the last to complan about anything i also understand my dad would buy the guide with the special limited guides..

    can you put one aside sinc ehe has had his Paypal account hacked and lost everything they said it should be back to normal by tommrow or starting wednesday..

    or can u imclude this in other updates for free?

    Please get back to me as i understand what your doing i just feel left out sinc this innocedent happend and he is very annoyed he will PAY U extra if you can leaved one with my name on it since he promised to upgrade my account for my 25th birthday but wanted to wait untill it got closer to the end date so please leave one for me please

    Unfortunately, the offer is only available until it runs out.

    THe most important thing right now is to figure out HOW they got into your dad's account. Generally that means his computer has been compromised.


      Not sure how the Paypal account effects the guides purchase, as Zygor Guides uses ClickBank exclusively.
      "The voices in my head may not be real, but they have some good ideas."


        Originally posted by Kamchak View Post
        Not sure how the Paypal account effects the guides purchase, as Zygor Guides uses ClickBank exclusively.
        Paypal support is offered by ClickBank as a method of payment. However, theree ARE other methods of payment but I hesitate to suggest them considering there may be a keylogger on his father's computer.

        OP, if your father wants to take the risk, he can always pay via credit card though ClickBank's site.

