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Archeology Guide Question.....

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    Archeology Guide Question.....

    Hey folks. Longtime product user, first time forum poster (I lurk). I LOVE your product. If you buy wow, you buy this. I have referred 4-5 friends to wow and each and every one has also purchased your guide after I have showed them what it does for me. Thank you for the work you do it's more than worth the money.

    My issue today... I purchased the cataclysm alliance and horde leveling updrade a while ago, when it first appeared for purchase, and it appears I do not qualify for the archeology guide bonus. Is this so? If so, I think it's not out of the question to award it retroactively to people who have already purchased as a reward the same way its a reward for those that buy today. I dont make you wait for my money, I pay because I trust you're doing the job you say your are.

    If I am mistaken, perhaps just a note telling me how to access it? Its not on my list of available guides in the members section.

    Thank you!!

    All bonus guides can be found inside of the Members Area under Bonus Materials.
    Zygor Guides Creative Director

