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Issue with suggestions for fixing 3.0 problems

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    Issue with suggestions for fixing 3.0 problems

    I would like to make a suggestion about your "solutions" for solving problems with 3.0. Specifically, step 5, which suggests deleting your WTF folder if still having problems. You don't mention the fact that deleting your WTF folder will remove all settings for all addons as well as the game itself. Shouldn't you be recommending that people delete the specific SavedVariables files used by Zygor, rather than the entire WTF folder?

    This would seem to be a much more responsible thing to suggest, though you can't take the quick way out and explain it with just one line.

    Went ahead and amended it. We typically tell them to delete the whole folder because a lot of people aren't comfortable navigating their World of Warcraft folder and because they often don't run any other addons besides Zygors.
    Zygor Guides Creative Director

