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v3 experience thus far

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    v3 experience thus far

    just wanted to point out in the slew of what appears to be people having problems, my v3 guide is working great after a reinstall and I love it. This may sound small but I love the addition of blue backing to to the accept in the guide, very easy to read and use.

    much thanks

    /agree a Repair worked well for me. My main complaint is that its now officially Cataclysm, and a lot of the Horde quests are still inconsistent and incorrect. For example, in the 30-ish Horde quests, I've been running into several NPCs out in Stonetalon Mtns that do not offer the quest that the Guide tells me to take.

    I don't know about the Alliance, but from what I've read it seems to be the most complete and the Horde is still "in progress". I'll try out a Worgen sometime this week, so I'll get a chance to see if that is true.

    In hindsight, I'm not sure I would have paid $60 a couple of weeks ago, if I'd known my guides would not be ready or complete in time. I also can't say that I would recommend this guide to others right now. The pre-Shattering guide rocked for the week I was able to use it (I bought mine 11/24), so I'm hopeful that the Zygor folks will get the Guide back to that level of quality and consistency, quickly.



      I wrapped up 68-70 in outland in what was to me record time. While the SiS might not be quite right yet, it still got me pointed to and completing the high value quests.

      As far as quality, my experience is that it will be there. So much has changed so quickly over the last 3 weeks, I think the team has done a good job to keep up.

      The current v3 challenges will be overcome very soon. I expect a steady stream of content updates to happen over the next 4 to 6 weeks as more playtime with the guides are logged.



        2 spots

        ive been using the guide since level 8ish and I faintly remember 2 spots, one was in stonetalen. I want to say step 47 or 147... sorry i didnt record it, and I think the other was in 1k needles. Both in the Kalimdor chain.

        They didnt seem like much cause when i completed the quest that freaked out the zygor i just skipped to the next step and I was right as rain. Both of these were prior to v3, no issues since but have only had 4 levels of play time, all in Felwood.

