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    In your guides if you complete the quests and it says you should be lvl such and such but you are not go grind. Why not be helpful and put in some places related to the upcoming quest progression or whatever where one should grind.

    Some of us noobies would like to find areas to optimize xp for grinding. I could also assume that I could go back to an area and pick up the quests the guide didn't suggest and go with them to level.

    Just a thought is all or maybe I am missing something about grinding lol

    If the guide skipped some quests it shouldn't be doing that right now. It should be defaulting to having the SIS turned off but sometimes you need to turn it off manually. To do this go into the Dynamic Progression section of the guide options, make sure all 4 check boxes are empty, and adjust the slider up to 80. You should then go back and do any quests that the guide skipped.

    As for the grinding steps, if you happen to be Human the grinding steps aren't in the proper places. Normally for all races if you happen to see one of these steps in the lower levels you can just skip it. If you're worried about not quite having enough XP normally queuing up for one random dungeon will give you enough XP that you won't see those grinding steps anymore either. Most people that do get a grinding step will skip that step and queue up for a dungeon, following the guide for questing until they can get a dungeon group.
    My Flight Path Follies guide

    A pessimist knows all women are bad... an optimist hopes they are.

    I reject your reality and substitute my own.

    All foreign languages are done with Google Translate.

