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No upgrade should be required

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    No upgrade should be required

    Sorry to mention this in the thread, but at the time of purchase the contract said upgrades were free for life. Thus, I am wondering why im being told that I would have to purchase the upgrade for the guide just because Cataclysm came out. Has the policy changed on your guides purchase?

    Originally posted by mbroutt View Post
    Sorry to mention this in the thread, but at the time of purchase the contract said upgrades were free for life. Thus, I am wondering why im being told that I would have to purchase the upgrade for the guide just because Cataclysm came out. Has the policy changed on your guides purchase?
    No it's always been like this. It's the same thing blizzard does. You get free updates for the patches but a new expansion comes you have to buy it to get the new stuff. Moving to general guide discussion forum.
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