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Gold and Achievement

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    Gold and Achievement

    Hello i'm new to this forum so i'm sorry if this allredy has been posted. and sry for my bad english.
    ok so i just wonder when dos the Gold and Achievement guids come out?

    Gold Guide maybe Q2 2011 and Achievement guide maybe end Q3 to end of Q4 2011.
    I'm Rebur, Tadia, or Judianna most games.
    Twitter @Chaos5061.
    Translations are done with Google Translate.


      I'd like to know the possible contents of gold guide. But if you have to keep it secret for competition reasons in guides market I understand that.



        I'm just a mod here for the forums. So I know nothing secret. I don't handle any of the making of the guides none of us mods do. Only the Zygor team knows.
        I'm Rebur, Tadia, or Judianna most games.
        Twitter @Chaos5061.
        Translations are done with Google Translate.


          Chaos is correct, only a few ppl know what is in the gold guide, and they will never give out that info until the guide is released.
          The one thing you can take stock in is just the fact that Zygor wrote it. There has only been one part of one of the over 100 guides released by Zygor that needed polishing when it was released, and that was Twilight Highlands. And Zygor admitted it needed to be polished up and did it within 24 hours.
          All that was to invite you to think about the quality of the product being released by Zygor Guides.
          Trust Zygor. He knows how to make a guide worthy of your hard earned money.
          "The voices in my head may not be real, but they have some good ideas."


            As to a way to gain gold until the guide is released, I've been following the stuff I've been reading about over at http://www.tarouwowguides.com/. Great place for information in general and the posters on the forums are just as helpful. He's got a video of him opening nearly 5k mails for the month of july. He hit gold cap twice on that toon. Had to mail it all to an alt 2 times and still had almost 150k after both those times. And it's all from doing what he suggests you do on his forums and in his videos. It's all free info so you don't have to pay for it. And to my knowledge, he is in no way competing with Zygor, matter of fact, I think he's got some Zygor ads up on his site.

