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Ho Ho Ho! Feast of Winter Veil Event Guide Now Available

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    Ho Ho Ho! Feast of Winter Veil Event Guide Now Available

    Ho Ho Ho!

    It's that time of the year. There's snow piled on the ground outside.
    The sound of the fireplace crackling and filling the house with a
    radiant warmth. It's times like these that take you back and make
    you feel like a kid again. :-)

    Luckily, you can now have snowball fights and ride reindeer without
    getting frozen to the core. Oh, the joys of technology!

    The Feast of Winter Veil event is now live in World of Warcraft, and
    we'd like walk you step-by-step through the entire process of completing
    the quests and key achievements.

    After all, the Merrymaker achievement is required in order to get
    an awesome Violet Proto-Drake. So, you'll definitely want to get
    cracking on completing those Feast of Winter Veil Achievements!

    Please update your guides now to download Zygor's Feast of Winter Veil
    event guide.

    How To Update Your Guides:

    Here is a link explaining how to update your guides:

    Now get on your red or green winter veil cap and go have fun! Hope
    you're enjoying Version 3.0 and the new Cataclysm guides. :-)

    Take care.

    John Cook
    Zygor Guides, LLC
    Become a Fan of Zygor Guides on Facebook:

    Follow Zygor Guides on Twitter:

    Thank you


      Thanks guys! You have made leveling my Worgen a snap. =)

      edit: I'm curious... if I buy the event and dailies guide now. Will that cover me for the remainder of Cata updates? And are the dailies guides currently updated for the new Cata dailies?



        question, is it the "pilgrim's bounty quest and cooking" ?


          Originally posted by starkz View Post
          question, is it the "pilgrim's bounty quest and cooking" ?
          Feast of Winter Veil Quests
          Feast of Winter Veil Achievements

          You may need to update your guide if you don't see it.
          Zygor Guides Creative Director


            strange, i just did.ill reinstall it again and report back :> thanks for quick answer

            ok back.

            did a full reinstall, loaded all outdated apps.
            version installed is 3.0.1606

            heres a screen of my guide

            nothing in horde daily guides as well.


              Looks like they didn't get the Winter's Veil stuff in for the trial guides.
              My Flight Path Follies guide

              A pessimist knows all women are bad... an optimist hopes they are.

              I reject your reality and substitute my own.

              All foreign languages are done with Google Translate.


                didnt it say it was free? "Download Your Winter Veil Event Guide Now (Free)" ill buy the guide if i have to :> i really want that drake! and a christmas outfit hopefully!


                  Originally posted by starkz View Post
                  didnt it say it was free? "Download Your Winter Veil Event Guide Now (Free)" ill buy the guide if i have to :> i really want that drake! and a christmas outfit hopefully!
                  Looks like it is just the missing from the Horde guide. We're fixing this now and will let you know when to update again.
                  Zygor Guides Creative Director


                    sweet thanks, staying glued to this page :>


                      Should be fixed now.
                      Zygor Guides Creative Director


                        hi, just confirming that it works! thanks for your help!


                          Originally posted by starkz View Post
                          hi, just confirming that it works! thanks for your help!
                          Glad to hear! Have fun, and be sure to let us know what you think.
                          Zygor Guides Creative Director


                            I was wondering, what level should I be at to complete the merry maker title without much trouble? I'm using my highest leveled char so far, which is 63, and I noticed it told me to get into the Oculus dungeon. This obviously isn't offered to me, so should I just keep leveling, and forget about it for this year?


                              As far as we know it only drops from Northrend bosses.

                              Jedoga Shadowseeker in Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom - Red Winter Hat
                              Mage-Lord Urom in The Oculus - Green Winter Hat
                              Grand Magus Telestra in The Nexus - Red Winter Hat

                              The winter hats also have an extremely low chance to drop from any humanoid mob in the world.
                              Zygor Guides Creative Director

