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Not an isuue, just an idea

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    Not an isuue, just an idea

    For those of us that would like to get the loremaster achievement (and maybe grind up their personal guild rep) , how can we use the guide to direct us to the quests we would need? It doesn't seem like it would be that far of a stretch, since the guide keeps track of the ones we have done and knows the quests available. Any thoughts/ideas would be helpful, as I switched guilds and lost my honored guild rep and need to start grinding all over again. Thanks.

    Edit: my bad- can someone move this to the correct place in the forum?
    Last edited by mazaska; December 31, 2010, 07:28 PM. Reason: I'm a doofus

    I'll move this into the General Discussion section.

    At this point since the guide wasn't specifically created to get loremaster you can't really use it to be directed to missing quests for a particular zone. Now fortunately the guide does cover enough quests in a lot of the zones to be able to hit the loremaster for that zone so you can use the guide as a launching point toward getting it. To do that go into the Dynamic Progression section of the guide options, uncheck the 3 boxes, and adjust the slider all the way to the right. This will turn off the SIS and should keep the guides from skipping any steps. Then you just load up one of the 1-13 guides and start following making sure to do every quest in the guide.
    My Flight Path Follies guide

    A pessimist knows all women are bad... an optimist hopes they are.

    I reject your reality and substitute my own.

    All foreign languages are done with Google Translate.


      If you followed the guide you may have a lot of the zone quest achievements.
      For WotLK you may use the dailies guide and use the Storm Peaks and Icecrown guides to get near the achievement and then do some group quests. Especially in Icecrown you need quite some of the harder group quests.
      Problematic are the achievements for the 60-70 Section as the guide does not cover all zones properly as you level pretty fast and don't need many quests or even whole zones (does anyone level in Netherstorm or Shadowmoon?).
      Also some zones require to do group quests and especially in Nagrand are some quests you get when you did Shadowmoon.
      A good addon to start with when doing the Loremaster is Quest Completist:

