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Holes in the guide!

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    Holes in the guide!

    Seriously. I've had quite a few issues with this guide lately. I just started a new Dranaei(sp) mage, and allowed myself 4 levels ahead of the guide via the options. Played through each step. Right off the bat, the guide expected to do some grinding. Did you guys even play through using the guide at all. Why would you tell the guide to expect me to be at level 2...when you know I'm not going to be yet. LOL. C'mon.

    Second. It's skipping obvious quests like killing blood elves on a hill, when I have to go there anyway. In fact...the one quest it told me to, I couldn't because I hadn't done previous quests. Again...did anyone test this guide before selling it? C'mon.

    I've been loyal to Zygor for some time now...but I must admit since the 4.0.3 patch, I've had major issues. What am I doing wrong?

    Seriously: Go play the first 6 or so levels of a Dranaei Mage and do exactly as it says. Frustrating huh?

    Im working on a brand new worgen right now to test the guide.

    What would be helpful is if you have a bit more detailed information to provide on the problems you see.
    Your settings is a good start, and will help out a great deal.
    What would be even more help is if you could pin-point the problems to the level and step in the guide. For example; "Alliance - Dranaei level 20 - 25 step 73; <insert problem here>."
    The more info we have, the less we have to verify on our own in extensive trials, and can get down to the actual issues the guide has right now.
    There are a lot of things to cover in testing. Primarily, running a toon from 1 - 60 (or 80) for each class. That is one per class per alliance, and one per class for horde, giving a total of 20 toons to level checking errors.
    I started one for testing, a worgen. Ill run as many as I have to to check the guide, but Im not a full-time player. What Im trying to say is, Ill do it, but the more ppl pitch in the faster this will go.

    If you choose to start a toon for testing, start a thread in the bugs and errors section. Title it yours, your class, and that its a bug report.
    "Kamchak - Worgen - Bug Report" or;
    "Bostonfan85 - Dranaei - Bug Report"

    Im not trying to recruit ppl, per say. Just saying, the more help we get, the faster this will go. We all are the frontline for this guide. Help me help Zygor get this problem resolved while they work on the SIS issues.
    "The voices in my head may not be real, but they have some good ideas."


      Will do. I've started a thread in the Bug Reports as you've asked.

