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I just doesn't work

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    I just doesn't work

    The leveling guide for the depths (level 82) doesn't work. Quest givers aren't where they are supposed to be, flight paths are missing, the talent guide says there are no talent builds for my 82 level warlock, the waypoint arrow freezes...

    I went through the repair procedure. I even tried to send a bug report but the "Clickbank" receipt number is a required field. I could look it up, but I am in the Zygor Database.

    In short: I am tremendously disappointed in the Cataclysm update. The bug report is too long to post here. It should be just one click away on the launcher, instead of requiring me to log off Wow, log onto Zygor, and provide information like a Clickbank receipt number that doesn't interest me and that should be in the Zygor customer database with the rest of my information.

    I would like Zygor to either: Fix the guides to perform as advertised, Or: Refund my money for the Cataclysm updates.

    Can you provide any information at all that would be helpful in pinpointing and fixing the problem you're having? Which quest is unavailable, etc? Try turning off the Dynamic Progress options in the Zygor Guides Viewer options, then go back and complete the quests the guide skipped.

    We've only been able to do one pass through levels 80-85 to chain quests together, so there are probably mistakes. However, with levels 1-60 now pretty stable with SIS and the release of our Dailies guide upgrades tonight, getting SIS in tip-top shape in levels 80-85 is top priority.

    Thanks for your patience.
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      I've been through the whole 80-85 guide with one char and am currently in Deepholm with the second char and never had big issues. Mostly there were unnamed NPCs and a few quests had to be done in another order (Twilight Highlands).
      The only thing I can think off is that the SIS skipped some quests and you are now stuck in phasing problems. Disable the SIS (guide options, section dynamic progress, uncheck the 3 boxes and move the slider to 80) and reload the guide section you are using. Then rightclick the next step button to fast forward through the guide. If it stops at a travel step just rightclick the button again until you reach a step where you are told to accept a quest.


        Originally posted by hisxmark View Post
        The leveling guide for the depths (level 82) doesn't work. Quest givers aren't where they are supposed to be, flight paths are missing, the talent guide says there are no talent builds for my 82 level warlock, the waypoint arrow freezes...

        I went through the repair procedure. I even tried to send a bug report but the "Clickbank" receipt number is a required field. I could look it up, but I am in the Zygor Database.

        In short: I am tremendously disappointed in the Cataclysm update. The bug report is too long to post here. It should be just one click away on the launcher, instead of requiring me to log off Wow, log onto Zygor, and provide information like a Clickbank receipt number that doesn't interest me and that should be in the Zygor customer database with the rest of my information.

        I would like Zygor to either: Fix the guides to perform as advertised, Or: Refund my money for the Cataclysm updates.

        Two suggestions:
        1) Just Alt-Tab away from WoW once you copy the text and then
        2) Paste the full bug report in, then chop off the bottom section (it's a timeline... forget what the section title is) - post that first part
        3) Open up a reply to the first part, paste it in again, but this time just chop off the top... leaving just what wasn't in the first bug report.

        yea... it takes a bit longer with Alt-Tab but it's alot faster than logging out and back into WoW. Once you do that, it will be alot easier for others to help you out.

        PS. The Alt-Tab is of course if you have a 'PC'... I have no idea what you need to do if you use a Mac (which of course IS a personal computer - PC... but that's an entirely different tangent... lol)
        * Signature to be Updated at a later time *


          I have 7 toons through the 80 - 85 content and have not seen what you are describing, even in the early "WTF is this" stages.

          Help us understand what you did and where/when you went in order for us to know what went wrong.

          Also keep in mind this is not a common post in forums, so the fact this is happening to you is isolated. I dont think this is a guide problem, but we'll see. Either way, we'll get you running smoothly.
          "The voices in my head may not be real, but they have some good ideas."

