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I find myself doing a lot of green and even grey quests.

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    I find myself doing a lot of green and even grey quests.

    I seem to be having a small issue with the guide at the moment. I figured I needed to do some of these quests for a chain, but it has been like this for almost 10-15 levels. There's been times when I've had to manually bypass quests that were no longer available to my character or quests that were 8 levels below me and not part of a chain, and I find it very inconvenient.

    For instance, I let the SIS run, and it stops at a quest 8 levels below me, to run across the continent to accept a "reporting" quest to go on to the next city. Since I've already been to the city the quest is not available anymore. (I have skip impossible quests checked.) After manually clicking "completed quest" it skips through and tells me to do gray quests that are not even part of a chain that I NEED because it is too low. I'm just really confused on the issues I'm having and just hope the guide can direct me to quests my level soon.

    Edit: This may be unrelated but when I was leveling a brand new character, the guide would sometimes automatically skip to steps that were completely inappropriate or impossible. Example; Telling me to run from the city I'm at to a NPC to get transported back to where I was, or telling me to turn in quests I haven't had a chance to do or accept quests that I can't. I don't know why problems are arising on a fresh character on the low level stages. Please help

    Just to make sure you have the newest version of the guide right? Newest version of the is 1663. Please list the race and the level of the guide you are on also.
    I'm Rebur, Tadia, or Judianna most games.
    Twitter @Chaos5061.
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      Quick answer to give you some help.

      The SIS will tell you to do quests lower than your level because that is an important chain of quests you have to do in order to unlock a chain of quests that will be coming up. If you dont go back and do those low level chains, you cant get the upper level chains, which effect even higher level chains. Its a pretty messed up cycle, but important to go back and do.
      As for the quest in that city that wasnt there before when you were there.... go to that quest in the viewer and get the controls up. One of the controls is to check chain quests. This puts the list of affected quests (past and present to that quest) in your chat box.
      Finally, if you are sync'd to the guide, and you get a travel step, always check the next steps to see if you need to make that trip. The travel steps does not feed off the upcoming sync, and that travel step is meant to be done as you level, not as you sync.
      Hope that helps.
      "The voices in my head may not be real, but they have some good ideas."


        I noticed some problems getting a pre leveld character into the guide myself. I had a level 36 character and was told to go to the 1-5 starting zone... I bypassed this by looking where the guide starts to do a new region at my level and I then got the quest from the board in a city that leads to that zone.
        So what level is your character? maybe there's a better way to get him into the guide.


          If you think a quest suggested by the guide is too low level for you, you might want to right-click it and choose "Show quest chain" from the menu. This will tell you how high the quest chain goes - if it ends way below your current level, or is just plain wrong (the quests chained in the guide aren't really chained in the game), please report with which guide, step, and quest this happens. Screenshots are also nice.


            -Deleted due to realization that I had something set goblin style.

