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BE DK lvling need help!

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    BE DK lvling need help!

    I've just lvled a pali to 85 after quitting for 3 years and playing once again. I'm really wanted to playing a DK but i don't know what skill to use, what spec to go, and the basic mechanics of DK as i've read some but it sounds too complicated or i'm making it complicated. At start trying to kill some scarlet mobs, i'm low on HP after killing just 2, seems weird to me. What am i doing wrong? and if so where can i find some guides? I've been trying to google / youtube but my searching skill sucks? btw i am a member.


    Well, for lvling, you wanna go dps. I chose frost for mine and it's worked out great so far. As to rotations and such, all depends on the level of the toon and other factors. Due to me being frost, I use Howling Blast a LOT and thus, it's a major part of the rotation but you don't get it until you put 31 points into the frost tree so it's a bit late in coming. I'd advise checking out a site called elitistjerks dot com as they go into great detail.

