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Howling Fjord quest issue

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    Howling Fjord quest issue

    Hi im currently doing the quest in Howling Fjord

    "It Turns to 11..."

    here are the descriptions...

    We must strike while the vrykul forces are in disarray! Take the harpoon control mechanism to Nifflevar and locate the northernmost harpoon building on the bluff side of the village.

    Once there, commandeer one of the vrykul harpoon guns that are stationed on the building's deck. Use the harpoon gun to rain hell on Wyrmskull Village! Destroy the longhouse, dockhouse, storage facility and any defenders that the vrykul may send at you!

    Do this and Daggercap Bay will become a much safer port!

    My issue is, that when i'm using one of the harpoon guns I dont know what to shoot, ive used the first skill which is a flame bomb type of missile. The second skill you get is a firey harpoon, which you cant shoot anyway unless something is infront of you. Im quite puzzled about this quest. Ive tried the quest in-game log and its pretty useless too. Just says the same thing, destroy these buildings. But when im sitting on the harpoon gun and shoot at the buildings below, nothing happens...

    Sure a fire starts, but nothing happens, and no defenders try attacking me? someone help pls???

    will confirm the step number when i get home. im sure its in the 70-72 lvl area of the northrend guide. According to wowwikis list (http://www.wowwiki.com/Howling_Fjord_quests) if you count the quests until you find this 1 it could possibly be quest 19 of the area. so step would be 19?? which i doubt because there are multiple travel steps that ive done, so its probably a little bit higher than step 18..


    Macalroy begins:

    1. [70] Hell Has Frozen Over...
    2. [70] If Valgarde Falls...
    3. [70] Rescuing the Rescuers
    4. [70] Prisoners of Wyrmskull
    5. [70] Dragonflayer Battle Plans
    6. [70] To Westguard Keep!
    - to Clutches of Evil
    After Rescuing the Rescuers:

    1. [70] The Human League
    2. [70] Zedd's Probably Dead
    3. [70] And Then There Were Two...
    4. [71] The Depths of Depravity
    5. [71] The Ring of Judgement
    6. [71] Stunning Defeat at the Ring
    7. [71] Return to Valgarde
    - to The Explorers' League Outpost
    After Rescuing the Rescuers:

    1. [71] The Path to Payback
    2. [71] Locating the Mechanism
    3. [71] Meet Lieutenant Icehammer...
    4. [71] Drop It then Rock It!
    5. [71] Harpoon Master Yavus
    6. [71] It Goes to 11...
    Last edited by nathan_piahana; January 12, 2011, 01:51 PM. Reason: formatt - accuracy
    Ripstar - 75 Druid [Feral & Restoration Spec] -- Terenas Server PvE.
    WorgenKnight - 68 Death Knight [Blood & Unholy Spec] -- Terenas Server PvE.

    "Druids OWN. Here's why:
    Want Melee DPS? - just /cast CatForm!
    Want Ranged DPS? - just /cast MoonkinForm!
    Want a Tank? - just /cast BearForm!
    Want a Healer? - just /cast TreeOfLifeForm!
    wait there's more...
    Is it a bird, a plane.. NO.. Is it superman?.. NO.. but might as well be - lol. It's a DRUID!.
    - /cast SwiftFlightForm.

    There are only 3 or 4 buildings in range in the village. The longhouse is the big building directly at the opposite side of the fjord (it's the one where you killed the guys for the harpoon control thing). The other buildings are the ones left. You have to shoot onto the roofs and then the defenders come on their drakes which you can shoot down with the second ability.


      Comments from wowhead.com: http://www.wowhead.com/quest=11421#comments

      Be sure you are aiming at the rooftop of the three structures.

      Once I read the comments, adjusted my aim, the quest dinged complete in very short time.


        Originally posted by am88 View Post
        There are only 3 or 4 buildings in range in the village. The longhouse is the big building directly at the opposite side of the fjord (it's the one where you killed the guys for the harpoon control thing). The other buildings are the ones left. You have to shoot onto the roofs and then the defenders come on their drakes which you can shoot down with the second ability.

        Comments from wowhead.com: http://www.wowhead.com/quest=11421#comments

        Be sure you are aiming at the rooftop of the three structures.

        Once I read the comments, adjusted my aim, the quest dinged complete in very short time.

        Replying to both..

        Ok thanks I will try aiming for the rooftops this time, I was sure I was hitting everywhere I possibly could and nothing happened, i'll give it another try when I get home.
        Ripstar - 75 Druid [Feral & Restoration Spec] -- Terenas Server PvE.
        WorgenKnight - 68 Death Knight [Blood & Unholy Spec] -- Terenas Server PvE.

        "Druids OWN. Here's why:
        Want Melee DPS? - just /cast CatForm!
        Want Ranged DPS? - just /cast MoonkinForm!
        Want a Tank? - just /cast BearForm!
        Want a Healer? - just /cast TreeOfLifeForm!
        wait there's more...
        Is it a bird, a plane.. NO.. Is it superman?.. NO.. but might as well be - lol. It's a DRUID!.
        - /cast SwiftFlightForm.


          Originally posted by nathan_piahana View Post
          Replying to both..

          Ok thanks I will try aiming for the rooftops this time, I was sure I was hitting everywhere I possibly could and nothing happened, i'll give it another try when I get home.
          Thanks for the link

          Make sure to put terrain distance on more than low else you won't see your target :>

          By jd17nt on 10/30/2010 (Patch 4.0.1)

          Thanks for the advice. At the lowest setting, I could still see the buildings, but I wasn't getting credit for destroying them, even though I was shooting right on to the roof of each building. As soon as I stepped up my settings, the quest was cake.Last edited by

          Rating: +1 [-] [+]Report|ReplyBy Avamarie 4 days ago (Patch 4.0.3)

          Thank you so much for that. I was getting very frustrated trying to complete this quest and this trick worked great.Last edited by

          Rating: +7 [-] [+]Report|ReplyBy MrGrouch on 09/25/2008 (Patch 2.4.3)

          Just to be clear, the three building you need to hit are the ones on the water. From left to right, the buildings are: Storage Facility, Dockhouse, Longhouse. After each building 3 to 5 defenders on the backs of red dragons appear.

          It appears my settings may be off, because I am having trouble seeing anything past the first building which is barely visible.. I'll try both.
          Ripstar - 75 Druid [Feral & Restoration Spec] -- Terenas Server PvE.
          WorgenKnight - 68 Death Knight [Blood & Unholy Spec] -- Terenas Server PvE.

          "Druids OWN. Here's why:
          Want Melee DPS? - just /cast CatForm!
          Want Ranged DPS? - just /cast MoonkinForm!
          Want a Tank? - just /cast BearForm!
          Want a Healer? - just /cast TreeOfLifeForm!
          wait there's more...
          Is it a bird, a plane.. NO.. Is it superman?.. NO.. but might as well be - lol. It's a DRUID!.
          - /cast SwiftFlightForm.


            I will say this for the quest. You have to hit the exact spot on the building. When I did this I just marched a line of shots along the roof length until I hit the right spot. Also kill the flyers before the dispawn in between hitting each building. I ignored this at first but was lucky that enough spawned even though I didn't kill any of the first wave of them before they despawned.
            I'm Rebur, Tadia, or Judianna most games.
            Twitter @Chaos5061.
            Translations are done with Google Translate.


              Originally posted by chaos5061 View Post
              I will say this for the quest. You have to hit the exact spot on the building. When I did this I just marched a line of shots along the roof length until I hit the right spot. Also kill the flyers before the dispawn in between hitting each building. I ignored this at first but was lucky that enough spawned even though I didn't kill any of the first wave of them before they despawned.
              Ripstar - 75 Druid [Feral & Restoration Spec] -- Terenas Server PvE.
              WorgenKnight - 68 Death Knight [Blood & Unholy Spec] -- Terenas Server PvE.

              "Druids OWN. Here's why:
              Want Melee DPS? - just /cast CatForm!
              Want Ranged DPS? - just /cast MoonkinForm!
              Want a Tank? - just /cast BearForm!
              Want a Healer? - just /cast TreeOfLifeForm!
              wait there's more...
              Is it a bird, a plane.. NO.. Is it superman?.. NO.. but might as well be - lol. It's a DRUID!.
              - /cast SwiftFlightForm.

