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    Solid reinvention!

    Good job again Zygor guides! I was beginning to feel the hassle of finding my spot within the guides due to the reinvention of Azeroth and the pre-quests that were skipped upon entering a new zone. Once again, like always, I am greatly satisfied with your product, service, and hard work, as you strive to keep your guides updated and your customers happy. Keep up the great work!


      Originally posted by soregums View Post
      I'm about to get back into WoW after 2 month break and this sounds perfect! I'm still on my 1st toon at lvl72 (started WoW in Feb 2010, been playing off and on) so being able to start the game fresh (upgraded to new pc, forgot to backup WoW directory...) and in the correct spot in the guides should see me progressing a bit quicker

      my guide broke at lev 20 now its going again at 80+ but my dailies only include grizzly hills i bought at time when it said i would be entitled to cath stuff because of relationship to date of release but now 81 but not cath guilde same as 70 to 80 and after 20 whats going on anyone?? pls


        You need to run the Updater, click the Settings button, enter your Zygor website username and password into the proper boxes, click OK, then click Repair.
        My Flight Path Follies guide

        A pessimist knows all women are bad... an optimist hopes they are.

        I reject your reality and substitute my own.

        All foreign languages are done with Google Translate.


          After leveling 2 toons from 1-85, 1 from 80-85, and 3 more between 20 and 60 right now, this sounds perfect to me. The changes to SIS as proposed will make it work exactly how most of us want to play: mainly quest to level up and cover the map, do some dungeons along the way to learn how to party, and then come back out to resume questing. With heirlooms, guild buffs, and occasional dungeons, it has become increasingly easy to get 2-3 levels ahead of expectations. I love the idea of recommendations to dump old quests and a "wrap it up" mode where old quests are turned in. It's what I have basically been doing myself.


            This is a great improvement. The most annoying thing for me after the cata release was just the linked quests. I have no idea how much time I've been wasting trying to track back and forth a quest that can take me further - I've actually stopped playing a toon because I got so pissed off at not finding a good spot to start questing.

            So, GREAT INITIATIVE, Zygor team!


              I'll tell you what would be really great if this SIS re-jig allows it ...

              I'm one of those guys who likes to set up new 'colonies' of characters on different servers (oops, 'Realms'!) including foreign language ones to help me pick up the lingo.
              My 'colonies' include two or so main Levelling Alts, with the rest at lower levels providing useful 'support' functions (e.g. Alchemy, Enchanting, etc etc).
              Anyway, the way Zygor is currently set-up (as all will know) is to get Alts out of their Race-specific zones and onto a common levelling path ASAP. Which makes perfect sense if all you want to do is Level ASAP and don't mind the boredom & tedium of doing the same quests over & over again!
              I am, however, hoping the new SIS may facilitate the player deliberately taking the Alt OUT of its normal optimal levelling path and into unusual areas where it will pick-up the optimum LOCAL levelling paths ???
              (F'rinstance, I am already 'playing' with the current SIS by taking my humans and levelling via the Kalimdor guide).
              I miss the 'old' version of the guide which merrily took the player back & forth across the two continents - you saw much more of Azeroth & its diversity.
              I know the Levelling Guide is just that - designed to help you *level* ASAP, but it would be nice if it would also allow you to 'see the world' while you were at it
              Will the new SIS facilitate this, or will it too (understandably) guide Alts onto common standardised quick-levelling paths??
              I know, I know, Cake & Eat It !!

              In case it all sounds too nit-pickety, I have to say I think your Guides are OUTSTANDING for fast levelling - I guess we have almost come to expect the TOTALLY AWESOME from you too


                Originally posted by anforta_nimmy View Post
                I'll tell you what would be really great if this SIS re-jig allows it ...

                I'm one of those guys who likes to set up new 'colonies' of characters on different servers (oops, 'Realms'!) including foreign language ones to help me pick up the lingo.
                My 'colonies' include two or so main Levelling Alts, with the rest at lower levels providing useful 'support' functions (e.g. Alchemy, Enchanting, etc etc).
                Anyway, the way Zygor is currently set-up (as all will know) is to get Alts out of their Race-specific zones and onto a common levelling path ASAP. Which makes perfect sense if all you want to do is Level ASAP and don't mind the boredom & tedium of doing the same quests over & over again!
                I am, however, hoping the new SIS may facilitate the player deliberately taking the Alt OUT of its normal optimal levelling path and into unusual areas where it will pick-up the optimum LOCAL levelling paths ???
                (F'rinstance, I am already 'playing' with the current SIS by taking my humans and levelling via the Kalimdor guide).
                I miss the 'old' version of the guide which merrily took the player back & forth across the two continents - you saw much more of Azeroth & its diversity.
                I know the Levelling Guide is just that - designed to help you *level* ASAP, but it would be nice if it would also allow you to 'see the world' while you were at it
                Will the new SIS facilitate this, or will it too (understandably) guide Alts onto common standardised quick-levelling paths??
                I know, I know, Cake & Eat It !!

                In case it all sounds too nit-pickety, I have to say I think your Guides are OUTSTANDING for fast levelling - I guess we have almost come to expect the TOTALLY AWESOME from you too
                Would travelling back and forth to both continents make levelling up slower though? with the new cata changes, it is much quicker to stay on one of either continents to level.

                This is a levelling guide, not a "see azeroth guide"?


                  I think I covered that in my post


                    Originally posted by anforta_nimmy View Post
                    I think I covered that in my post
                    But if it's a levelling guide and levelling on one continent is quicker than going back and forth between the two, why should it adhere to your suggestion?


                      what do you mean?
                      I make videos on youtube! Check em out, gaming videos mostly, and got my video testimonials for zygor stuff there!


                        Originally posted by anforta_nimmy View Post
                        I miss the 'old' version of the guide which merrily took the player back & forth across the two continents - you saw much more of Azeroth & its diversity.
                        Will the new SIS facilitate this, or will it too (understandably) guide Alts onto common standardised quick-levelling paths??
                        The new SIS will most likely not change the zones covered by the guide.
                        I found it sometimes a pain how much traveling was needed with the old guide so the more linear thing with staying on the continent plays much smoother.
                        Maybe we get other zones with the Achievement guide. This would be fine as I also like to see the other zones.

