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Comments on: Smart Injection System News of 24/Jan/2011

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    Comments on: Smart Injection System News of 24/Jan/2011

    Hi John,

    Firstly in your Announcement, you invite us to comment on you plans for the new SIS 'in this thread', but it appears that 'Announcements' don't allow responses, hence this new 'Thread' ...

    My main concern about your switching to 'Hubs' and no longer 'chaining' quests concerns the one thing that has bugged me about the Guides since I started using them a couple of years ago - keeping track of REPUTATION.

    I have often in the past been stuck high & dry attempting to get a Quest from an NPC to no avail because I didn't have sufficient Reputation with that Faction. I have had to search around for quests in the area other than the one the Guide was directing me to, to be able to get enuf Rep to finally make the Guide-directed Quest available to me.

    I am concerned that your proposed strategy of dropping linked multi-region quests may further damage our ability to collect enough reputation to access high-xp quests throughout the regions.

    I would be delighted to hear your thoughts on the above.

    Many Thanks.

    Very good question, thanks for posting. We will be addressing this problem (mainly in Outland) with the new SIS. We should be able to find a way to tackle this issue once an for all. :-D
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      Just so you know for future anforta_nimmy, the Announcements section will always have those posts locked, but Zygor puts the exact same post in the General Discussion area (where you posted this one) with the exact same thread title for people to comment in. This keeps all of the main Announcements clutter free while at the same time giving a thread for everyone to comment in, and then when the thread finally stops getting comments it will slowly disappear out of sight. So you can see what other comments have been made so far check out this thread.
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