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Dungeon Guide

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    Dungeon Guide

    I know this has been mentioned in the past but can't find anything recent, is there a dungeon guide in the future coming from you guys?

    Dugi is releasing a new version with waypoints to actually guide you through the dungeon, for eastern kingdon and kalimdor anyway.

    I love Zygors guides but would love a dungeon guide too, is it still gonna come?

    Dungeon, achievement and profession guides are on the list of guides to come. But there's no final word said when what will be done.


      Originally posted by dazza View Post
      I love Zygors guides but would love a dungeon guide too, is it still gonna come?
      Yes, we absolutely have plans to release a Dungeon guide in the near future, and as you can expect, we will put our own Zygor spin on it to really give customers something unique that they cannot get anywhere else.
      Zygor Guides Creative Director


        I would LOVE a Dungeon Guide that is Zygor to mesh with my current products.


          Originally posted by Zygor Support 2 View Post
          Yes, we absolutely have plans to release a Dungeon guide in the near future, and as you can expect, we will put our own Zygor spin on it to really give customers something unique that they cannot get anywhere else.
          I am overjoyed to hear this to say the least, love you guys


            Sorry if I ask, but I don't really know how a Dungeon Guide should work! If you are in a party, you just have to do teamwork, I don't see how a guide can help you going through a dungeon. The only example it comes in mind is when you run low level dungeons as 85 to get achievements. Then it would be helpful for sure. I would love if someone clears out the fog outta my mind on this Guide :P
            Thanks Zygor & Team for all the good work you've done!


              I'm guessing they are referring to a random dungeon guide. Essentially, the guide can tell you where to grab the dungeon quests, tell you which dungeon to queue up for, and then when you complete the dungeon it will show you where to complete the quest(s) at.

              Basically, it's a leveling guide using the LFG tool.
              It may seem narcissistic to link this, but it's awesome nonetheless.


                Surely it works by purely giving guidance on where to go, how or what to kill etc. I would assume handy for tanks in a dungeon they've not run before?!


                  There are not only the dungeonquests, also there are achievements for many boss encounters.
                  Tactics how to get these would also be nice.



                    This would be awesome and it will kill the selling point of other ingame guides that claim they are better cuz they include built in dungeon guides.. with zygor touch and comprehensive style no other guides stand a chance.

                    specialy as team play is the main part of any mmorpg, so a lvling guide that recomends dungen runs as you level is a must have!

                    what dungeons to do at the given lvl, achievements ,dungeon quest givers and the hand in, what classes you should look for to team up with, your class role etc. and as mentioned above brief tactic hints would be a charm.


                      This is something we could look into in the near future but we are not working on this currently. However, we are not saying there isn't a possibility of adding this either.
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                        So cryptic you are!


                          From my perspective, I did spend the money to purchase another guide makers dungeon guide. I used it maybe twice, and that was when it was up and running. It has spent more time unavailable as a guide than available. Not sure why, and really dont care, since I dont use it anyway. As such it was a total waist of my money.
                          Having a dungeon guide was a good thought, on paper. But even for an avid dungeon runner and raider, a guide was purely meh at best.
                          "The voices in my head may not be real, but they have some good ideas."

