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What are those "bars"

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    What are those "bars"


    when choosing a guide, the viewer give some details about the currently selected guide in the bottom of the box.
    Amongst these details, appear required and ending level, and next to the levels an indication like "+ x bars".
    (ex: for Silverpine Forest, with a lvl20 character, the box shows:

    required level: 11 +6 bars
    ending level: 20 +14 bars)

    What do these "bars" represent?

    ps: in the while... a great big up to all the Zygor team! all that is a very nice job. I really do not regreat to have spent some gold pieces on that guide! keep it up! ^^ (oh, just one request: please, invest some work on localisation... and I swear all my non-english-spoker guildies will buy it )

    The bars are how much you are over the level to have the guide recommended. I think each bar is 10% but I'm not totally sure on that.
    I'm Rebur, Tadia, or Judianna most games.
    Twitter @Chaos5061.
    Translations are done with Google Translate.


      Yes, the bars are the % thru the level that you happen to be. This is based off of the Blizzard default XP bar where there are 20 different segments, so in the guides each bar is equal to 5% XP. So in your example, the required level of 11 +6 bars is equal to level 11.3 or 30% into level 11.

      Zygor has said that he's going to re-do this part of it as I pointed out to him that various addons will change the XP bar and not everyone will have 20 segments to their XP bar depending on which addons they use. In a future update this should be changed to just show a %.

      What language needs improved localization?
      My Flight Path Follies guide

      A pessimist knows all women are bad... an optimist hopes they are.

      I reject your reality and substitute my own.

      All foreign languages are done with Google Translate.


        OK, so that means I need to be 6 bars into lvl11 to start the guide and 14 bars into lvl20 for the viewer to propose me to pass to next guide... is it that? (sorry to seem a bit dumb, but there are years that I do not have "bubbled" exp bar any more.)

        Concerning localization, it is for the french language :

        - the actions to be done still are in english (ex: talk to x, kill y mobs) the NPCs and mobs name are also in english. Zones and Quests names, thow, are in french. (this have been a regression, because in some previous versions, NPC and mobs name WHERE translated)
        - all the new interface is in english, including the names of the guides... (wich can make the choice difficult for non-english-spokers since some zones names are very very different between english and french.

        If you are in need for some help in translating things into french, I can spend some hours on that. Just send me the files needing to be translated by PM.


          The NPC and mob names are still in english as the files are not completely localized.
          I don't know where the Zygor team gets these information. If they take it from one of the WoW databases I'm sure that we get those translated again.


            Yeah, just take the number for bars and multiply by 5 to get the % into the level you need. So start would be 6x5=30 making it 30% thru 11, and end would be 14x5=70 making it 70% thru 20.

            I was just looking at the French localization files. It seems like a lot of the NPC and mob names have been translated over, but the rest of the guide viewer interface is primarily in English. If you still see a lot of the NPC names in English then maybe the NPCs_frFR.lua localization file isn't being loaded properly.

            Cartman, are you having any problems with the guides not loading up the German localization?
            My Flight Path Follies guide

            A pessimist knows all women are bad... an optimist hopes they are.

            I reject your reality and substitute my own.

            All foreign languages are done with Google Translate.


              Originally posted by cabby View Post
              Cartman, are you having any problems with the guides not loading up the German localization?
              Not that I noticed but there's a big difference in the content of the enUS file and deDE / frFR.
              enUS has 11645 lines, deDE and frFR only 7710. So there are a lot NPC and mob names missing.


                Haha, I never even compared the two files to see the difference.
                My Flight Path Follies guide

                A pessimist knows all women are bad... an optimist hopes they are.

                I reject your reality and substitute my own.

                All foreign languages are done with Google Translate.

