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Talent Advisor is not working

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    Talent Advisor is not working

    Okay recently for some reason or another the Talent Advisor has decided not to work properly.It wont auto build and when i pick manual it says not correct build when its on the one i picked. I've tried repairing it and unistall/Reinstall.

    First there's a bug that the advisor does not save the selected build properly. After logging in you have to go into the advisor options, select none and then reselect the desired build.
    There's an update for the talent advisor coming soon so we hopefully get rid of that problem.

    Then it may be that the build has changed, some of the builds got reworked 1-2 weeks ago. So if you started a build long ago it may be outdated and you have to go to the class trainer to reset the talent points.


      Oh ty so much.What a relief to read this.Yes i have had to visit the trainer several times to fix things.And yes i have done that none thing.

