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Dailies not showing correctly

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    Dailies not showing correctly

    Last night I was in Mount Hyjal when the dailies reset. When I looked at the Firelands Dailies guide, all were still marked green and ticked from the previous day, even though the dailies were now available to me. It was odd seeing the green colour and then "kill XXXXX mobs (0/16)!!!!!!. The guide would not progress automatically when I actually completed the quests making the whole job much harder. When I completed a multiple step (i.e. where you only get one of say three quests from that NPC) that was marked red and the new quest I completed then turned green as well as ones I had done yesterday!!! Anyway, I completed all my dailies and then went to Tol Barad for the dailies there. Same problem.

    Any ideas please?

    The only thing I can think of is a possible addon conflict. If one of your other addons has just been updated it might now be blocking the guides from seeing the quest log stuff. Try disabling all other addons to see if it still persists in not seeing the dailies as being reset.
    My Flight Path Follies guide

    A pessimist knows all women are bad... an optimist hopes they are.

    I reject your reality and substitute my own.

    All foreign languages are done with Google Translate.


      Thx Cabby. Im at work now but will check this tonight. Dont use many addons but you could be right.
      Any other ideas anyone?


        I think the guide does not reset when the server resets. We had a thread about this, I'll see if I can find him.

        Edit: found it!


          Thankx Cartman..Is that midnight in which time zone. I am in UK and the server resets at 3.a.m. here which is when I did the quests.


            The guide should use your local time. So if you do the quests between midnight and 3 a.m. and then after 3 a.m. again the guide is not reset.
            I also would rather have some configuration option for that time or something to reset a guide manually.


              thx cartman...that explains it

