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View mentioned NPCs and monsters

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    View mentioned NPCs and monsters

    Just spotted this, and it's neat. However, can I ask that it becomes undockable or at least movable to the other side of the main guide window. Why? Well, I usually move my chat to the bottom right of the screen so it gets occasionally obscured by my bags when I open them, and have Zygor on the bottom left - because I never want that to get obscured while I'm levelling (or ever, in fact). That means the current placement of the NPC portraits is off-screen and I never get to see it. If it could be docked on the top right hand corner of the main window (rather than top left) that'd be ideal. Other people may want to stick it elsewhere, so flexibility would be good.

    Just a suggestion.

    Just to let you know there may be a bug related to the NPC and Monster window. It hasn't been confirmed that it is the window but signs are pointed that way. What the bug is the when the NPC and Monster window is on and the guide tries to fast forward past a lot of steps it will crash world of warcraft.
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