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Lock Talent Guide

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    Lock Talent Guide

    Is it my imagination or did the talent guide for Locks change from affliction to demonology as the preference for leveling? I swear I was going along fine with an affliction build for PVE leveling then when I installed the new guides the affliction build is now gone and the guide now sug. a demon. build. Anybody else see this or do I just need to get more sleep.

    Originally posted by charley54 View Post
    Is it my imagination or did the talent guide for Locks change from affliction to demonology as the preference for leveling? I swear I was going along fine with an affliction build for PVE leveling then when I installed the new guides the affliction build is now gone and the guide now sug. a demon. build. Anybody else see this or do I just need to get more sleep.
    This is correct he did change it to demo


      A guide to how to get the affliction build back can be found here:



        thanks for the info


          hmm ok so which is better demo or affliction? which also raises the question which is faster?


            Hey onyx,
            I had the same question as to why did they change it. Apparently a lot of people wanted demo because it was "easier". I did try the new demo build after being an affliction lock for so long. I do not like it. For me, aff is much more fun, and much faster amd more efficient than demo. Casting the dots on several mobs at once and sing ur voids shield to help protect u, along with the self healing made it almost impossible for me to die, and was MUCH more fun to use. For leveling I highly reccommend affliction.


              The two builds are pretty similar, but yes, demonology is easier than affliction. I chose demonology for the small increase in DPS, but will dual spec the two when I get back to leveling him seriously.
              "The voices in my head may not be real, but they have some good ideas."

