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Starcraft 2?

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    Starcraft 2?


    Just wondering will there be any starcraft 2 guides coming out?
    I've made a youtube channel: http://www.youtube.com/sc2ish

    Could you guys give me some feedback, and i would really like it if there was a zygor guide coming out, i bought star 2 pros but its still being made.

    "Charlinator" WoW's Most Retarded Player

    Moved to the "Off Topic" section.
    "The voices in my head may not be real, but they have some good ideas."


      ok... thts fine lol
      "Charlinator" WoW's Most Retarded Player


        Originally posted by charlinator View Post

        Just wondering will there be any starcraft 2 guides coming out?
        I've made a youtube channel: http://www.youtube.com/sc2ish

        Could you guys give me some feedback, and i would really like it if there was a zygor guide coming out, i bought star 2 pros but its still being made.

        In my opinion, the only guide you need is build orders, and just experience. You can read about every strategy there is, but it will eventually just go out. Watch HuskyStarcraft and HDStarcraft whom give excellent tutorials and replays over games, and just practice with a friend or do 1v1's until you learn.

        You should increase your game graphics as I can tell you're running on lowest settings from the portraits not being animated and the creep + minerals. You should also speak up as it's a bit hard to hear you.
        It may seem narcissistic to link this, but it's awesome nonetheless.


          There are no plans at this time to make a Starcraft II guide.
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            Starcraft guilds are quite impossible to do for an RTS it's basic resource management and units strengths and weakness

            For example Reapers for Terrins are amazing rush units. cheap to build easy to sneak in and pull out of situation fast

            then there a queen or some unit on the zerg that a must HAVE it's a small defense unit and able to increase your lava spawn rate.

            it's really just getting into Starcraft and getting your hands dirty.. in SC1 i only used marines and Medics and did very well but i know others that used many different combos it just finding your playstyle and adjusting to situations quickly


              Im running on the lowest settings because i was using an old computer i've just got a brand spanking new gaming pc which means i should be able to run top graphics and still film in HD also my voice is because of the headset im using im guna get a new 1 real soon so should be able to get my channel a bit more out there
              "Charlinator" WoW's Most Retarded Player

