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Which spells to use????

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    Which spells to use????

    Been playing WoW for awhile on and off. I LOVE the guide. Got it about a week or so ago and went to a new server to start a DK. Was thinking about starting a new toon but I am not really sure where to go as far as spell rotations while leveling.

    I was thinking of lvling a lok and searched a few sites but no real clear answers on which spells will provide the best DPS at the lower lvls.

    Seems most of the info are for the lvl 80's and I am sure I'll survive smashing buttons butttt, would love a site to go through it.

    Are you up for the task Zygor?

    If you want to level a lock then the spells are really quite simple. Once you hit level 10 and get your voidwalker you just send in the pet, cast agony and corruption, and then shoot a wand until the mob is dead. That's all you'll really need, the other spells are really situational, like you might need fear if you get 3 mobs, or you might need to use drain life if you get hit a few too many times.
    My Flight Path Follies guide

    A pessimist knows all women are bad... an optimist hopes they are.

    I reject your reality and substitute my own.

    All foreign languages are done with Google Translate.


      Ill add to Cabby's post here.

      When you get your VW, select a mob to target and send in the VW to 'tank' for you. When you mouse over the 'attack' button it will tell you what keys to press (I use Mac, so different).

      Remember, your VW can be a tank, but dont get to bold. 2 or 3 mobs, sure; any more and you risk killing the VW and getting your squishy butt turned into mob fodder.

      Sending in your VW first lets it grab and hold the aggro, less risk of a group of mobs coming to get you. Starting with a spell might cause the VW to grab only one, while the rest come to you.
      "The voices in my head may not be real, but they have some good ideas."


        What do you guys find as the best glyphs for lvling a demo lok?

        At lvl 16 now which took 9 hours. Barons is a bit of a journey. Also no heirlooms. Happy with the progress so far


          I use:

          Major Glyph of Corruption
          Major Glyph of Quick Decay
          Major Glyph of Felguard
          Minor Glyph of Unending Breath
          Minor Glyph of Kilrogg
          Minor Glyph of Souls
          My Flight Path Follies guide

          A pessimist knows all women are bad... an optimist hopes they are.

          I reject your reality and substitute my own.

          All foreign languages are done with Google Translate.


            I cant recall what I used for my demo build.
            I use destro in raids and affliction in pvp.
            It was pretty close to Cabby's though.
            Felguard is a must. Cant beat the 20% boost.
            Corruption is pretty nice as well.
            I also use (still) unending breath and souls on both my builds.
            "The voices in my head may not be real, but they have some good ideas."


              For leveling my lock I used Destro. At 80 you will have a build where you use chaso bolt to nuke em and have your curse/immolate rotation etc. but until 60 your nuke is shadow bolt.
              Build 0/13/58
              until 60 use your first 5 talent points in improved shadow bolt then continue with build. At level 60 reset your talents and spec in this build exactly.

              For the most part every dps class has an AOE and you spam that if its a large mob (rain of fire). Single target the boss is usually dead too fast for your DoT's to do anything so up to after scarlet monestaries. I put immolate, curse of agony, corruption on and do not refresh and then spam shadow bolt. The only class that will out single target dps you will be an arcane mage. After 60, its tricky and requires rotation.

              check out the Warlock Den
              Current toons:
              Wildarms 90 Tauren Warrior Misha
              Maggotfester 90 Undead Deathknight Misha
              Wildaxe 85 Tauren Paladin Misha
              Wildshooter 85 Dwarf Hunter Misha

              Currently leveling:
              Wildaxe 85 Tauren Paladin Misha

