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Group of Scrubs?

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    Group of Scrubs?

    With the Cata expansion comes some interesting changes, one of which is the lfg tool. Apparently, players are being grouped on having similar gear scores and playing skills (where blizz is pulling skill from I have no idea). Blizz's position is to allow those who are currently hard-core progression players to group with other players who share similar goals to make the process of "gearing up" for raids less painful. It's already been stated that the randoms are tough and require thought ( ie interrupting cast bars). How do you think this will change your view on the group dynamic? Do you think you'll be in a "scrub" group? Do you like being the DPS that pulls more than 50% DPS on every boss in heroic UP? ( I know I sure do! Yay, megamages!!!).

    I think that would be awesome! I love the idea and bet that Blizz has a good setup for it.

    As a DPS mage I love seeing huge numbers but I would rather see a complete run with no deaths and a little lower numbers then wipe / die a few times.
    As a tank I would love to not get morons in the group. This goes RIGHT at my rant of the day post about HHoR. Too many people don't know how to play.

    My guess? Blizz takes some of the Elitest Jerks addon ideas into account. Look at a toon and quickly tell that a tank has some PvP items or DPS items. You right away know they do not know how to or can't gear their toon correctly. That person should be in a lower level group. What about kills? Someone that has killed boss X 17 times probably knows the fight better then someone that killed it once. Use that to group players by skill level. Blizz is already tracking those stats. Look on the armory achievements and the counts for each boss kill are there already.

    This is the best news I have heard yet about Cata
    Cairne Realm
    Main: 100 Human Prot Pally
    Alt#1: 100 Tauren Resto Druid
    Alt#2: 60 Dwarf Beast Hunter


      Originally posted by antacus View Post
      I think that would be awesome! I love the idea and bet that Blizz has a good setup for it.

      As a DPS mage I love seeing huge numbers but I would rather see a complete run with no deaths and a little lower numbers then wipe / die a few times.
      As a tank I would love to not get morons in the group. This goes RIGHT at my rant of the day post about HHoR. Too many people don't know how to play.

      My guess? Blizz takes some of the Elitest Jerks addon ideas into account. Look at a toon and quickly tell that a tank has some PvP items or DPS items. You right away know they do not know how to or can't gear their toon correctly. That person should be in a lower level group. What about kills? Someone that has killed boss X 17 times probably knows the fight better then someone that killed it once. Use that to group players by skill level. Blizz is already tracking those stats. Look on the armory achievements and the counts for each boss kill are there already.

      This is the best news I have heard yet about Cata
      I agree with you on all of these points. The only other thing blizz needs to look at it your alts. If I'm running a random for the first time on my priest, but I've cleared it 10 times on my mage, I should get credit for knowing the mechanics. Of course, my gear wouldn't be as hot, but knowing is more than half the battle of WoW.

