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Pricing Enchants

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    Pricing Enchants

    Anyone know how to do this, ive got Lil Sparky's Workshop but not sure its giving decent prices, it says Unholy Weapon costs 20g to make but says charge 98g to sell, seems a bit high.

    Any other enchanters got any suggestions on pricing?

    Are you also using a auction addon. Because those prices are not based on a scan of you economy on your server. There just what the should be worth not what there worth on the auction house.
    I'm Rebur, Tadia, or Judianna most games.
    Twitter @Chaos5061.
    Translations are done with Google Translate.


      Originally posted by zester View Post
      Anyone know how to do this, ive got Lil Sparky's Workshop but not sure its giving decent prices, it says Unholy Weapon costs 20g to make but says charge 98g to sell, seems a bit high.

      Any other enchanters got any suggestions on pricing?
      For pricing, nothing beats auctioneer. This gives you the current actual pricing of the current actual AH on what ppl are willing to pay for items.
      If this is 'barking in trade' kind of pricing, simply post your chanter link in trade with "[enchanting link] LFW; your mats, tips appreciated."
      The ppl on your server determine the prices. Seems obvious to some, but you dont really appreciate this until you get used to one server, then transfer. I used to sell raw gems I transmuted for 125 - 140 gold per cardinal. On my current server Im lucky to get 90g. Stinks, but then all pricing is much lower on this server than the old one.

      If your working the AH, the raw factual data gathered by Auctioneer over time is invaluable.
      "The voices in my head may not be real, but they have some good ideas."


        If your looking for prices to sell things on the AH you can also try a addon called Going Price Wowhead. There is also one for Allakhazam and Thottbot too.
        I'm Rebur, Tadia, or Judianna most games.
        Twitter @Chaos5061.
        Translations are done with Google Translate.


          Im using Auctionator but as I say the prices quoted by Lil Sparky are massive compared to the production costs, perhaps I should just use the production costs and calculate my own price say 10% uplift if im supplying mats?


            Originally posted by zester View Post
            Im using Auctionator but as I say the prices quoted by Lil Sparky are massive compared to the production costs, perhaps I should just use the production costs and calculate my own price say 10% uplift if im supplying mats?
            This is for you to perform enchants on ppl in a /trade type of 'sale?'
            "The voices in my head may not be real, but they have some good ideas."


              Originally posted by Kamchak View Post
              This is for you to perform enchants on ppl in a /trade type of 'sale?'
              Yes thats what i mean


                I tried to have mats on hand for ppl with my professions, but that got to be a major pain in the tuckas.
                Most ppl that need a chant (or any other 'service') will either have the mats already, or need the link for the mats.
                Then all you need to do is chant the items for them, after they give you the mats.
                99.9% of the ppl know how to tip for services like that. This is where your $$ will come from.
                The other problem you may come into is stocking up on a bunch of mats for chants no one may need for quite a long time, leaving you with spent gold for nothing.

                In the end, keep your bags empty of mats and bark out your link in /trade and work for tips.
                Keep your life simple.
                "The voices in my head may not be real, but they have some good ideas."


                  Originally posted by Kamchak View Post
                  I tried to have mats on hand for ppl with my professions, but that got to be a major pain in the tuckas.
                  Most ppl that need a chant (or any other 'service') will either have the mats already, or need the link for the mats.
                  Then all you need to do is chant the items for them, after they give you the mats.
                  99.9% of the ppl know how to tip for services like that. This is where your $$ will come from.
                  The other problem you may come into is stocking up on a bunch of mats for chants no one may need for quite a long time, leaving you with spent gold for nothing.

                  In the end, keep your bags empty of mats and bark out your link in /trade and work for tips.
                  Keep your life simple.
                  I thought that since enchanters can now make scrolls of the spells that enchanting for tips would largely be done with? I figured that ppl would now just go to the AH and buy the scroll for the enchants that they wanted rather than try and find the mats and an enchanter to cast it for them...

                  I left my lvl 70 enchanter on the Alliance for now - focusing on my minor/jewelcrafting DK and newer toons... although I do miss being able to send higher level green stuff that wouldn't sell at the AH for what it's worth to disenchant... I may bring him over yet...
                  * Signature to be Updated at a later time *


                    Originally posted by voltec View Post
                    I thought that since enchanters can now make scrolls of the spells that enchanting for tips would largely be done with? I figured that ppl would now just go to the AH and buy the scroll for the enchants that they wanted rather than try and find the mats and an enchanter to cast it for them...

                    I left my lvl 70 enchanter on the Alliance for now - focusing on my minor/jewelcrafting DK and newer toons... although I do miss being able to send higher level green stuff that wouldn't sell at the AH for what it's worth to disenchant... I may bring him over yet...
                    Yes, Scribes (the Inscription profession) craft Armor or Weapon Vellums (at a negligible mat. cost) that enchanters can target and enchant for later use or to sell on the AH.


                      Originally posted by voltec View Post
                      I thought that since enchanters can now make scrolls of the spells that enchanting for tips would largely be done with? I figured that ppl would now just go to the AH and buy the scroll for the enchants that they wanted rather than try and find the mats and an enchanter to cast it for them...

                      I left my lvl 70 enchanter on the Alliance for now - focusing on my minor/jewelcrafting DK and newer toons... although I do miss being able to send higher level green stuff that wouldn't sell at the AH for what it's worth to disenchant... I may bring him over yet...
                      Oooohhhhhhh.... alright. Well, this is a bit different.
                      Basically you will need to research what sells, and at what price. You also will need to know what the mats go for.
                      Marketwatcher is a very good program for this. You select VERY select items to monitor and track. You want to be VERY selective as the recording of these scans is a memory hog.
                      Track the velums, mats for certain chants, and the chants that are on the AH now.
                      Then break down the cost / profit ratio to see if they are worth your efforts.
                      "The voices in my head may not be real, but they have some good ideas."

