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Death Knights and the Rune blade?

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    Death Knights and the Rune blade?

    If I get a better weapon for a dk than the initial rune blade that you create in the beginning, is that better to use or should one stick with the rune blade? or is there someway to make better blades able to work with runes?

    You can affix a rune to any weapon you have so if you get a better one than the starting one use it. To put a rune on it all you need to do is use your teleport and go to a runeforge, just like you did with the starter weapon.
    My Flight Path Follies guide

    A pessimist knows all women are bad... an optimist hopes they are.

    I reject your reality and substitute my own.

    All foreign languages are done with Google Translate.


      I see. Thanks. do you happen to know how to get more than one row of abilities to show without having to scroll through them or use the Shift+(number)


        If using the default UI then push esc and your keyboard. Click Interface. Select ActionBars. Then click the check box next to the bars you want to show up.
        I'm Rebur, Tadia, or Judianna most games.
        Twitter @Chaos5061.
        Translations are done with Google Translate.


          Also remember that hotkeys can be virtually any combo of keystrokes. For example I use F2 on a certain actionbar button for my flying mounts, and Shift-F2 for a ground mount.
          Now, I do use the addon "BindPad" but the keybinding process is still the same. Once you have some actionbars setup (you can use Bartender4 for your bars) you can go through and setup your keybinds. Most of the different classes have similar results to an ability. For example, a rogue has kick to stop a cast, a warrior has shield bash (I think its called; at work atm), a druid bear has skull bash.. etc etc. For all these spell casting disrupts I use F4. I dont have to think about it when I see a spell being cast now, I just hit F4. Muscle memory over thought process in end-game content is highly beneficial.
          Also keep in mind, do you really need z to draw or sheath weapons? Do you need x to sit? How about abilities you use in conjunction that can be bound by Shift-z, Shift-x, etc.

          Basically all that was to give you an idea that you can tailor your entire setup to fit your individual playstyle and wants. There are also a lot of talented people here on the forums that have been willing to offer advise to help other members work out problems and/or figure out what/where to go next.

          Hope that helped a bit.
          "The voices in my head may not be real, but they have some good ideas."

