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    Originally posted by chaos5061 View Post
    From Blizzard:
    Darkmoon Faire
    There will be a new Darkmoon Faire island with a bunch of new activities such as "Whack-a-Gnome"
    It's not "Whack-a-Gnome" ... Apparently, that's "Whack-a-Gnoll"
    I'm Rebur, Tadia, or Judianna most games.
    Twitter @Chaos5061.
    Translations are done with Google Translate.


      Blizzard Press Conference Video At Gamescom. WOW stuff stars at 19:00

      Blizzard Press Conference Video At Gamescom. WOW stuff stars at 19:00:

      I'm Rebur, Tadia, or Judianna most games.
      Twitter @Chaos5061.
      Translations are done with Google Translate.


        Void Storage Preview tomorrow. From Blizzard:
        We'll be releasing a full preview of the system tomorrow morning, so I don't want to get too into the details of the system right now. Stay tuned for the full preview. We'll be sure to field as many follow-up questions as we can tomorrow.
        I'm Rebur, Tadia, or Judianna most games.
        Twitter @Chaos5061.
        Translations are done with Google Translate.


          Void Storage preview

          From Blizzard:

          For quite some time now, players have been asking for a location in which to store important keepsakes including treasured armor sets, unique quest rewards, and gifts from friends, as well as other valuable items they've collected on their journeys throughout Azeroth.

          This is a feature we've wanted to add to the game for a while, so we're excited to announce that, thanks to the ingenuity and entrepreneurship of the Ethereals, a new long-term storage option will soon be available to completionists and collectors alike.

          Void Storage

          In patch 4.3, characters of all levels will be able to take advantage of a new technology known as "Void Storage," which will open up 80 slots of long-term storage space. Void Storage vaults will be available in both Stormwind and Orgrimmar and can be accessed simply by speaking with your local Vaultkeeper.

          A variety of items can be placed into Void Storage -- including soulbound items and Battle.net Account Bound items -- making it the perfect location to store trophies from past conquests, as well as armor you may want to hold onto for Transmogrification.* So, if you've been looking for a good home for those old tier sets or your vanity holiday items, Void Storage is it! And it's as easy to use as dragging and dropping.

          In return for this unique service, the Ethereals will require a small fee for each item deposited into or withdrawn from their Void Storage apparatus. Multiple items can be added and removed at once, and the cost of each transaction will be display at the bottom of the screen, updating dynamically as you select additional items to deposit or withdraw. Once an item is placed into Void Storage, it can remain there indefinitely for no additional cost. *

          It's important to note that the goal of Void Storage isn't to be a second bank, but rather a place where players can safely store items they wish to keep for the life of the game, either for sentimental or aesthetic reasons. Since this particular storage option isn't really intended for belongings that you'd use on a regular basis (like your current set of raiding gear, for example), any item placed in Void Storage will be stripped of all its enhancements, including enchants, gems, sockets, and reforged stats, and some items will simply not be eligible for Void Storage at all. This will help us reduce the impact such storage can have on the game servers, and ultimately allows us to provide a lot of long-term storage space with minimal impact on everyone's play experience.

          (Cost shown to unlock Void Storage is not final)

          Bag Search: Find What You Need, When You Need It

          Now, you might be thinking, "Alright, those Ethereals are pretty nifty, and having more storage is great! But what about actually being able to find what I own? Do you know how long I looked for that one stack of Papa Hummel's Pet Biscuits? Like, a year. Okay, maybe 15 minutes. Either way, not even a tiny, delicious fat baby raptor is worth that kind of effort, and I love fat baby raptors."

          Never fear, fellow tiny-limbed-corpulent-dinosaur enthusiast! We've got you covered. In addition to Void Storage, we're also adding a bag search feature in 4.3 that will allow players to search for items within their bags and bank space, all with just a few keystrokes.

          Integrated directly into the bag and bank UI, this new search feature will be incredibly quick and easy to use. To find an item in one of your bags, in your character's personal bank, guild bank, or Void Storage vault, you'll simply type the name of the item -- or a word in the item's name -- into a small search box located near the top of your main backpack, and your open inventory will be filtered accordingly. Only the items that match the word or name you've entered will display, making it easier than ever to find exactly what you need, exactly when you need it.

          Please keep in mind that both Void Storage and the upcoming bag search features are still in development, so their functionality may change before release. We’re very excited to be offering both of these inventory management features and will be providing more information as the development of patch 4.3 continues.
          I'm Rebur, Tadia, or Judianna most games.
          Twitter @Chaos5061.
          Translations are done with Google Translate.


            Void Storage Pictures ALL COST ARE NOT FINAL

            Void Storage Pictures ALL COSTS ARE NOT FINAL

            I'm Rebur, Tadia, or Judianna most games.
            Twitter @Chaos5061.
            Translations are done with Google Translate.


              New pics of Void Storage

              From Blizzard:

              I'm Rebur, Tadia, or Judianna most games.
              Twitter @Chaos5061.
              Translations are done with Google Translate.


                More Void Storage Info

                From Blizzard:

                We've just added some new images to our Void Storage preview which show off the updated UI for Void Storage vaults, as well as the new bag search feature in action. Let us know what you think!


                Also, just to clear up a few points of confusion:

                Void Storage vaults will be per character, not per account. We're still very interested in providing a way for players to share BoA items cross-realm, but there are a number of technological milestones we need to reach before we can make that kind of service available.
                The prices for unlocking a Void Storage vault, depositing items, and withdrawing items are still under discussion. The values shown in the blog screenshots should not be considered final.
                You don't need to place an item in Void Storage in order to use it for Transmogrification. The systems are completely separate. They're designed to complement one another, but not require each other.
                Most tabards will be eligible for Void Storage (excluding a few which cannot become soulbound to a character).
                I'm Rebur, Tadia, or Judianna most games.
                Twitter @Chaos5061.
                Translations are done with Google Translate.


                  More Transmogrify Info Pt.1

                  From Blizzard:

                  Transmogrification Details / Legendary Items
                  You will not be able to transmogrify using a legendary item as either the source or the recipient of a change. This system is going to launch with fairly conservative rules, so that we can get it up and running as soon as possible and make fun improvements down the road. It’s not beyond the realm of possibility that we’ll eventually allow transmogrification to use the twill set or [insert your favorite item here], but probably not for the initial launch of the feature.

                  We would like to offer some alternative ways to get favorite items that are no longer available, such as perhaps the dungeon tier sets or the DK start gear. This is something we will expand over time – not every favorite item will be immediately available at launch. But we’ll keep a list of items that get requested by the players and work to get them in someday.

                  If you want to obtain the look of gear that you've deleted in the past, then yes, you'll need to farm that old gear back. Opening a petition for that old gear isn't likely to bear fruit unless the item was deleted quite recently (usually within a month or two). Please don't submit a petition as a shot in the dark, since that just bogs down the system for everyone.

                  Alts can hang onto cool looking quest items and drops that they get while leveling, to use with the feature. It won't be limited to tier items, but that does mean that if they want to sport a full set of tier 5, then yes, they'll need to acquire it, just as any other character would. We are interested in providing a means for players to purchase certain gear sets which aren't available for one reason or another, such as the dungeon sets or death knight starter set. Such a vendor would not provide access to all the gear a player has ever owned, though.

                  [...] What would determine what items each character had access to? An achievement? Having looked at a boss that one time? Walked into a particular zone, perhaps? Would all characters get access to all armor art every time a new item is introduced, forever? Perhaps all characters would just get access to all the art from prior to Transmogrification -- but what about new characters? Why should they get access to all that art? What meaning would there be to a character's appearance, at all, in such a system?

                  It's less short-sighted than you think, and it's hardly an unreasonable requirement. It's actually quite neat and tidy. In the short term, it's a bit frustrating for those that already had the gear at one time (I'm one of them). In the long term, we feel that it's the most elegant method of approaching the issue of restricting Transmogrification.

                  Transmogrify and Void Storage Requests
                  Part of this is due to technical limitations. One of the reasons we're able to offer so many more slots of storage to players now is because it's fairly simple data storage when we're talking item IDs. Throw in enchants, gems, and reforging though, and you have a lot more data that has to be stored. Void Storage is a means of deep storage. We don't want this system to be used as a secondary bank where you're constantly shuffling items in and out. If you have an abundance of items which are eligible for placing in Void Storage, the idea is you can store them "long-term" to free up bank space without having to delete them.

                  It's perfect for seasonal outfits, items you think look really cool, etc. It's the place to put the gear you just don't want to delete, but don't regularly use either. If we just gave you 80 more bank slots -- which is a monumental technical task as I said earlier -- we'd have to consider nominating you for "Hoarders: World of Warcraft Edition."

                  [...] Right now, we're looking at allowing tabards to be stored in Void Storage vaults. That may change as testing continues, of course, and depending on the feedback we receive from you guys (and gals).Void Storage vaults will be per-character and not per-account, so it won't be a way for players to trade BoA items cross-realm. While that's still something we want players to be able to do, we've several technological hurdles to overcome before we can make that type of service available.We're still discussing a lot of those details, so I can't really give you a "yes" or a "no" right now.

                  That said, the main requirement for an item to eligible for Void Storage is that it's soulbound. While Void Storage was primarily designed for gear that you plan to use for Transmogrification, that doesn't mean we won't allow other soulbound items -- even if they can't be equipped -- to be stored in Void Storage vaults, too. Such exceptions seem probable. It's unlikely that we'll allow profession items, tradeskill items, pets and mounts, or consumables to be placed in Void Storage, though. You don't need to place an item into Void Storage in order to use it for Transmogrification. The two systems are completely separate.

                  We're implementing Void Storage and Transmogrification at the same time because we know that, with Transmogrification, players are likely going to want and/or need more storage space, specifically for the long-term. And that’s the niche Void Storage fills. Just because one system (Void Storage) was designed to complement another (Transmogrification), that doesn't mean the two rely on each other functionally.

                  Transmogrification Item Restrictions
                  Well, I don't want to be the bearer of bad news, but...

                  We have an obligation to players and to our hard working artists to keep the game from looking too silly. I know looking ridiculous is fun for some players, but World of Warcraft was established with a design that the game overall kept its silliness in check. That’s one of the reasons we resisted adding a feature like Transmogrification for so long.

                  So weapons that look like fish, for example, probably won't be available as source items for Transmogrification, even if one is technically a dagger and has stats. There are a handful other weapons with "silly" models (such as frying pans, brooms, etc.) that may or may not be allowed -- it's still under discussion.

                  Can you Transmogrify BoA items?
                  We likely won't allow heirlooms to be transmogrified.

                  Transmogrification and new Models
                  We're still going to want to create awesome new high-end items.

                  It doesn't make sense to start 'skimping' because showing off that you're on the cutting edge is really one of the major draws to high end raiding, pumping up your stats and looking cool while you do it. But it also doesn't make sense to change our efforts because one day the armor sets we're making now are ones that people are going to want to use in the Transmogrification system.

                  One day four people are going to roll over Deathwing, farming the set so they can wear their favorite looking tier.

                  Obviously there's a lot of subjectivity to which set someone thinks is the best, or how people want their characters to look, and that's the point of Transmogrification. If someone wants to race to build a full T13 set and then transmog it to look like they're wearing an older tier, that's their choice, but our expectation is that the majority will want to show off their achievements while they're sexy, and that the sets we're making now will be someone's favorite in the future.

                  I do, however, fully expect that much like with every tier there will be many people who hate on them, and I fully expect Transmogrification will be used as a reason as to why they are the worst sets ever made. But, that's ok, we'll keep truckin'.

                  Transmogrification and BoEs
                  Yes, they become soulbound. [...] If you Transmogrify a Bind on Equip item, it will become bound to you. Items used in Transmogrification will also become non-refundable and non-tradeable as well.

                  [...] The Void Storage is at least partially intended to complement Transmogrification, so that bank space is at slightly less of a premium. In short, if you've got enough bank space to keep those old pieces of gear around and still have enough room for your other stuff, then good on ya. If you're running out of room, then Void Storage is a good place to stash those old armor pieces that you'll only really drag out when it's time to 'mog something.

                  Transmogrifier and Death Knights
                  We're looking at possible ways for players to obtain particular items and sets that are no longer available, including the death knight starter set. If we do implement this, it may not be available immediately, but over time as we fine-tune the feature

                  Transmogrification Restrictions
                  Many players currently wear alternative items while hanging out in cities such as seasonal outfits, role-play gear etc. Other players, as Alicè pointed out, have gear that doesn't match and maybe doesn't look as cool as a full set could, so you're already exposed to a variety of looks on characters.

                  This feature will allow players to refine how their character looks, use nice-looking gear that may be sitting gathering dust in the bank perhaps. Of course, your idea of nice-looking may vary from other people's, but beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

                  Seriously, though, if your main reason for disliking this feature is fear of a sudden influx of ridiculous outfits, please know that we plan to restrict transmogrification a little in regards to armor types. For instance, if a character is wearing plate, they won't be able to make it look like a cloth dress, and vice versa, armor types are locked. So you shouldn't see too many Warriors taking on a boss in a pink evening gown.

                  Over time, we'd like to add ways for players to obtain some special items that are no longer available—dungeon tier sets, for example. [...] You must own the item, have it in your possession and be able to wear or use it at the time of transmogrification.
                  I'm Rebur, Tadia, or Judianna most games.
                  Twitter @Chaos5061.
                  Translations are done with Google Translate.


                    More Transmogrify Info Pt.2

                    Plans for Legacy Armor Vendor
                    If there are sets which are extremely popular with players and cannot be obtained in the game anymore through any means, we'll consider making them available elsewhere. I believe another Community Manager pointed out that the original vanilla dungeon sets and death knight starter area set are good examples of this.

                    It is, however, not extremely likely you'll see a lot of sets which are no longer possible to obtain be added back in for 4.3. We'll be expanding upon Transmogrification over time, in which case we'll absolutely consider adding highly coveted "out-of-stock" sets elsewhere.

                    Keep in mind though most of the original raid and PvP sets can still be obtained in the game.

                    Transmogrification and Armor Art
                    I think there will always be players who want to roll in the latest set, and our artists take great pride in their work, so they will always try to make all the art for new gear as awesome as they can.

                    For players who are between full sets, Transmogrification offers a cool opportunity to sport a 'complete' look, and enjoy favorite gear art from the past. Few players will want to look the same all the time though, so I expect that new art and new tier sets will remain in demand.The question is a bit off topic for this thread, but yes. The item must be in your possession, and you have to be able to use (wear it), at the time of the Transmogrification.
                    I'm Rebur, Tadia, or Judianna most games.
                    Twitter @Chaos5061.
                    Translations are done with Google Translate.


                      Player Vs. Player Info

                      From Blizzard:
                      Q: Any new Battlegrounds for 4.3?
                      A: We don't have any plans right now to add a new Battleground in patch 4.3.

                      Q: Given that you are now implementing raid finder tool would you please please implementing similar tool for rated battlegrounds?
                      A: We can bring this up with the developers. It'd probably have to fundamentally function a bit differently from the Dungeon Finder and proposed Raid Finder though, otherwise a cross-realm random RBG Finder wouldn't differ that much from randomly queuing for a normal Battleground, aside from the fact your team can persist after a battle concludes.

                      Q: This has been asked many times but is there any status update BoA realm transfer?
                      A: We also spoke to GC about this again yesterday (we ping him about it a lot). He made it clear that there are no design issues or qualms about allowing this functionality. Instead, it's an issue of programmer bandwidth. Because of the way WoW was originally structured around accounts, followed by the introduction of Battle.net accounts, there's a technical limitation to allowing cross-realm BoAs which has to be overcome by our Battle.net team, not the WoW development team. At the moment that team is incredibly busy building out the Battle.net platform to expand its functionality for World of Warcraft and StarCraft II, and get Diablo III going. We're adamant about making this happen. Unfortunately, I can't really give you a timeline and I know it's already felt too long.

                      Q: Affliction warlocks and shamans are the main classes doing well in high end and even low end PvP. These classes have far to much synergy and because of this any class combined with them does well, do you have guys have any intention to fix this?
                      A: Based on my recent conversation with GC, he did mention in particular that a Resto shaman tweak needs to be made. In particular, he's prepared to get his nasty claws on Windshear.

                      Q: Any chances of bringing back old AV? Seems like most PVPers support this idea.
                      A: I even ranted to Tom Chilton and Greg Street about this recently. For all the reasons it was wrong, I still loved losing all track of time while involved in an endless -- quite literally -- battle for AV. I loved doing constant suicide runs from SF graveyard on my gnome 'lock just to try and interrupt the Horde summons.

                      We haven't stopped talking about it. Part of the problem is Battlegrounds are incredibly scripted, to the point they're actually worked on quite a bit by our encounter design team. We need to keep working on new ways of developing Battlegrounds to improve their design.

                      But, to your point, it's doubtful AV 1.0 will be resurrected, and there's only so much tweaking we can do to try and improve the current one -- we'd be working on very old framework with AV. At this point, it'd probably be easier and produce better results if we started from scratch.

                      Q: Skirmishes, sir?
                      A: The last time we talked to the developers about it, they mentioned the possibility of these going back in to compliment War Games. But given they saw very little evidence to suggest coding for Skirmishes paid off for players, it seems a low priority. [..] When designing Cataclysm, we looked at the data and saw an extremely fractional percentage of the entire playerbase actively using Skirmishes. So with all of the other changes happening, along with BG War Games, we decided not to polish up Skirmishes and keep them in.

                      Q: What your thoughts are on the "Halaa" type zone suggested by other players?
                      A: Speaking personally, I think they have a good place in WoW and should come back. A place like Halaa doesn't take nearly as much design time as a place like Tol Barad or Wintergrasp, yet the payoff is relatively high. The Tol Barad style is a quite massive undertaking, and ultimately becomes a very contentious PvP content topic, especially when daily quests and raid bosses are at stake.

                      Q: Bring back world PvP!
                      A: All I can say for now is that we've driven people to SW/Org in this expansion too much and that's not cool. We want to fix that in the next go.
                      I'm Rebur, Tadia, or Judianna most games.
                      Twitter @Chaos5061.
                      Translations are done with Google Translate.


                        And just because we haven't had this in awhile. Something Funny.

                        From The Daily Blink:
                        I'm Rebur, Tadia, or Judianna most games.
                        Twitter @Chaos5061.
                        Translations are done with Google Translate.


                          Am I the only one that doesn't have a problem letting dps classes actually put out dps and not have to constantly throttle themselves?
                          My Flight Path Follies guide

                          A pessimist knows all women are bad... an optimist hopes they are.

                          I reject your reality and substitute my own.

                          All foreign languages are done with Google Translate.


                            Nope your not the only one. I'm almost all DPS and at least the next time I go in a dungeon or raid I won't have to worry about pulling threat so much.
                            I'm Rebur, Tadia, or Judianna most games.
                            Twitter @Chaos5061.
                            Translations are done with Google Translate.


                              Originally posted by chaos5061 View Post
                              From The Daily Blink:
                              It's always the mage's fault... Why!? Just because we choose to play the best class in WoW doesn't mean we're always at fault


                                I think they just like to blame you Skippy. Its a homophobic thing, Im sure.
                                "The voices in my head may not be real, but they have some good ideas."

