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Three Cheers to Cabby!!!

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    Three Cheers to Cabby!!!


    Before you became staff you were the most involved and helpful member of our team. Now that you are a member of the staff you have only improved. Now, finding someone to actually help on this forum has become a challenge I have won only a couple times.

    John is getting more than his monies worth by keeping you on.

    Its high time you get the props you deserve.
    "The voices in my head may not be real, but they have some good ideas."

    Agreed cabby is the MOD.
    I'm Rebur, Tadia, or Judianna most games.
    Twitter @Chaos5061.
    Translations are done with Google Translate.


      I love all of you guys. And, Cabby, you rock!

      Although... Chaos does rock some mean facial hair.

      I'm jealous.


        Haha, I think you just slowed down a little Kamchak. I do still sleep you know.
        I think it's just that lately I haven't been playing a lot of games like I used to so I'm just checking in on the forum a bit more since I'm not involved in killing something somewhere as often as I used to be. But if you guys see something posted to get added to the bug list feel free to respond to them and add it to the list. I can always format the list as needed if you don't get the formatting the same and then you can say you beat me to something again.

        And I don't think I could ever get that much facial hair without it driving me nuts.
        My Flight Path Follies guide

        A pessimist knows all women are bad... an optimist hopes they are.

        I reject your reality and substitute my own.

        All foreign languages are done with Google Translate.

