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My World of Warcraft History

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    My World of Warcraft History

    Hello everyone i just wanted to tell my story about how i found Zygor Guides and how glad i am about it . A few years ago, or one month before Burning Crusade outcame i started on World of Warcraft. I played like 2-3 Years And i lvled > REALLY < Slow and i only had like 50g-100g But then i decided to buy "Gold" on a website (cant remember the name) and i buyed 300g For 17,77 USD and it actually worked. i did that a few times but i still lvled really slow so now i bought Powerleveling 20-40 (on my main ) it took one week for them and some of my friends told me that they was online 24/7 (pretty slow for being that much online) So after a exciding week they we're finnaly done ! and i could buy my first mount ! (60% Mount -.-') But. a few days later i was "Banned" for 3 days for buying "Power-Leveling" and then three days later i was leveling myself Again. but then i found out what a "Private-Server" was and some of my friends helped me how to connect. it was actually pretty fun and i donated on some servers to get "VIP". a few Years later i saw a youtube video About a 1-80 Guide (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=syBzECdJRZA) Called "Zygor Guides" So i searched for it and found a "Crack" (i knows that it isnt allowed but it was many patches old and had alot's of bugs :P) so i downloaded it and checked it out and after looking at it and trying it (on Private Servers) i decided to start on "Retail WoW" Again ! so i opened my account (actually i bought all four expansions again becouse i couldnt remember my Username) and the old zygor guides worked ! so now i was checking my moneys to know when i should buy the "Zygor Guides" and a few days later i buyed Horde & Alliance 1-80/1-85 Leveling Guide. and it worked perfectly (i made a lvl 71 shaman With /played 5 Days so i was > REALLY < happy and also becouse it's Blizz Allowed and the new updates comes almost at the same time as the blizzard updates so that really helped me. a few days before CATACLYSM outcame i decided to buy the "Zygor Events And Daily's Guide" (Horde & Alliance) to make the events easier for me and help me with daily's when i reaches 80-85. when CATACLYSM outcame i decided to level a worgen from 1-85 and it goes really well (Lvl 58 on 3 ½ Days ATM ) > AND < i Got 3k Golds (Without Buying any Golds !) Just for questing and using the extra zygor money guide who tells me what proffesions to do. That was my story and i am > REALLY < glad that i found Zygor Guides, it really Works

    If you not allredy buyed Zygor Guides Do it if you wants to lvl faster than most of any power Lvler's

    Thank you John Cook for making this Awesome Addon/Program Called Zygor Guides and i'm really really sorry for downloading a crack of Zygor Guides so now i buyed all your guides (And i'll 100% Buy all the New Guides From Zygor's (Really Excided about The "Gold Guide") And Again Thanks, Zygor Guides !!!)

    Thanks for Reading About my "World of Warcraft History" And sorry for my "Bad English"

    Server: Ghostlands Worgen Name: Kateh
    My Oppinion of Zygor Guides: The Best Lvling/Dailies Guide out there
    All Misspellings is Made By Google Translate O.o

    what I got out of that huge post was that you paid for Zygor's.

    as a user.. thx very much for doing that

    as a software dev myself... i am always afraid when something good like Zygor guide comes along, the bootleggers will ruin it

    honestly it's very cheap compared to other things we all waste money on (honestly how many DVDs have you bought that are sitting around collecting dust)

    i get annoyed when people over dramatize it and act like the $40 set them back several meals. It's a great product, and while Blizzard keeps WoW a moving target, the Zygor team seems to adapt very well

    ty for paying for the product, it's very much worth the price (don't tell Zygor but i think he's selling it too cheap lol)

