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Converted at last!

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    Converted at last!

    I don't often post but when I have it has been in the Zygor vs Other leveling guides thread, It is no secret that I have been a massive Dugi supporter since around 2009. I bought Zygors leveling and dailies guide for Horde and Alliance at the beginning of 2011, I have never given it an opportunity to shine until now.

    Every time I think I need to move on to the next section this guide does it, I love the way Zygor has split the zones so that you can move on to the next quest hub as soon as possible. The guide uses way less memory than I remember. The guide addon just looks like one of the best written addons out there at the minute.

    So far I am level 26 at 6 hours into my journey and I have run one dungeon, not breaking any records but I am happy.

    I must admit I am tempted to buy the other guides now.

    I have been converted, Keep up the good work!

    Glad to hear you're finally enjoying the guides. If I may ask, what made you decide to give them an opportunity now? I know they say change is hard so I'm not surprised it took a while for you to give them the opportunity after having been used to how Dugi's guides worked for so long.
    My Flight Path Follies guide

    A pessimist knows all women are bad... an optimist hopes they are.

    I reject your reality and substitute my own.

    All foreign languages are done with Google Translate.


      It comes down to the fact Dugi is adding more features to his guide viewer which I disable, I don't think that a lot of the added features are of any benefit or belong in a guide viewer addon. I feel his addon is now bloated.

      If Dugi had left his addon alone so that it still had similar functionality and looks to tourguide (his starting point), such as quest arrow, ability to display his guides, routing and map visibility then I probably would not have loaded the Zygor guides again.


        Agreed about Dugi's being too bloated now which is why i now use Zygor. My only problem what Dugi does that Zygor doesn't is give that option to go to Nothrend at 68. so I end up using that option on Dugi from 68- 70 and go back to Zygor and Zygor picks it up beautifully. just wish they realize how easy it is to solo level a character now a days.


          You can always load up the first Northrend guide when you're at 68 and use the Zygor guides for in there. Just be aware that you might run into a couple of quests that you can't pick up until 70.
          My Flight Path Follies guide

          A pessimist knows all women are bad... an optimist hopes they are.

          I reject your reality and substitute my own.

          All foreign languages are done with Google Translate.

