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Build suggestions

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    Build suggestions

    I know this would be a massive undertaking, but it would be kind of cool if there were leveling specs for each role of a given class. The goal being, to educate and get a toon to 80 as quickly as possible. What fun is it if you are hit 80 as a DPS spec, then jump into a tank role with no experience at tanking. You will get blacklisted by groups almost instantly, training in these roles need to happen at lower levels, not 80's.

    I am using a non-zygor-standard Prot build for my pally, and I have not seen any slow-down in leveling (maybe due to heirloom gear but bah). Plus my wait time for instances is non-existent.

    If there was a Zygor leveling build for each role (based on class) that would be nifty. I know this could discourage people from figuring out their abilities etc, but my thought is that it would help new people jump into a given role knowing and understanding what talents to take. I didn't know the first thing about tanking (mage was my first toon), but going along with the build that was provided in the forum helped out a lot, by looking at the build I could see what abilities I needed to use etc (not saying I didn't do any personal research because I did and that also helped).

    We could even make a contest of it, have user submitted builds for each 'slot' and then the community decides what is best etc. Then include it in the product.

    I also think it would be neat if we could have a dedicated forum dedicated to builds, I know we have one thread for builds, but the builds seem to get lost in all of the off topic chat.

    Just a suggestion, keep up the good work guys!


    I love this idea, unfortunately I'm unable to create new forum sections so it will be up to one of the admins to do this if they want to.
    My Flight Path Follies guide

    A pessimist knows all women are bad... an optimist hopes they are.

    I reject your reality and substitute my own.

    All foreign languages are done with Google Translate.


      I second that idea. Right now I am focused on the mage but I know that someday I'll get back to my druid. Seeing how others build their toons really helped my mage a lot and once I get back to the druid I'll do the same research. Having a section here would be a nice start.

      The only *possible* issue I see is people flat out copying builds/text from other sites (not like this would be the first ever toon tweak forum) without giving credit and possibly causing problems with the original authors *shrug*
      Cairne Realm
      Main: 100 Human Prot Pally
      Alt#1: 100 Tauren Resto Druid
      Alt#2: 60 Dwarf Beast Hunter


        I think this is a great idea. I am getting better with my mage regardless of the guide, but every little bit helps!

