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Two suggestions pertaining to steps that merely say: "Go to xx,yy", etc.

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    Two suggestions pertaining to steps that merely say: "Go to xx,yy", etc.

    Suggestion 1.

    Add a little bit more clarification to the 'steps'. For instance, if we are in a 3-story building of some sort, and the quest wants us to find 3 different people, tell us which 'level' the current target is on; bottom floor, middle floor, or top floor, etc. Sometimes, the steps do mention that, but very often it's left out. When the guide steps merely say "Go to xx,yy", or "Follow the path around," we run aimlessly on the wrong levels, since xx,yy is "stacked vertically" in a building. "Follow the path" is rather vague, since there are so many path options to take, and the Blizzard mini-map is so small, dark (inside buildings), and poorly illustrated, that it is of very little value.

    Suggestion 2.

    When we complete a quest and accept a new quest, the guide often says simply... "Go to xx,yy and talk to so-and-so person." Often, the distance to that person is a mile or more away from where we are, yet the guide doesn't suggest using the Flightmaster, in the town we are in, to fly there. It's easy to miss the distance factor, or even notice that there's a FM near to us (and another at the location we are going to), until we run 1/2 the way there, then realize that we could have flown! A single line of text would solve that problem (for many quests). A 'hint' would be nice, indeed!

    1) Yes, agreed - I was running around a boat the other day looking for somebody. A simple "He's on the bottom deck" or similar would save a lot of time! I can't remember which quest it was - I'll get back to you on that.

    2) This would also be good for newer players, especially now that we get FPs automatically. I personally have levelled so many alts now that I know where all the FPs, portals, boats, zeps, etc. are.


      I agree that it is sometimes difficult to find someone/thing when there are
      muliple levels in a building or area

      An indicator on the arrow would help saying its above or below you.

      Don't know how difficult this would be to Impliment.

