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how about Zygor Raid Guides?

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    how about Zygor Raid Guides?

    i was thinking about this the other day if it was possible to create a Zygor Raid Guides?

    a guide that basically teaches us what to do inside a raid. especially how to play our role within the raid so we dont epically fail. how to fight each boss, how to heal better/easier, or even how to Tank better. if this guide was made possible a lot of us "noobie" raiders can possibly "WOW" the hard core players

    i cant speak for other people but personally a Raid Guide would fit for me

    i can imagine myself getting into a raid not knowing what to do, then i pull up Zygor Raid Guides and watch me pull through like a pro hahaha

    When I'm raiding, i would not like to have an in-game guide that's filling up my screen, which i could use for other raiding addons, and thb, i don't have time to read a guide while I'm raiding. I need to stay focused and clear in head, otherwise i would fail so badly. What i suggest is that you do a lot of research about your class and raid before entering it.


      The Zygor guide viewer wouldn't be the problem, you can assign a key to open / close the guide window. So whenever you need more space on the screen just press the key.


        The problem with raiding is the setup to the raid group itself. How many melee do you have? How many casters? What casters do you have? What healers do you have? What tanks are in which role (MT vs OT). It all factors in how a raid is setup.
        Case in point; Heroic Morchok. You need 2 groups to deal with him when he splits. You need to know who your soaker is going to be standing close to him when he stomps to absorb the damage. What heals do you have to divide between the groups? Since the right side takes more damage, do you take your single strongest heal with that group (Paladin for us), or do you take your two weaker healers? Do you bring your strongest healer and weakest to that side since your mid healer can handle the other side?
        Soaking; do you use a rogue? A priest? Switch out between the two?
        Basically it comes down to the raid leader. What do I have in my team, and where do I need them to be effective? In order to do that, you need to know how to play the classes, or have a very solid understanding on how they are played. If you dont have a pally in the above situation like we have, what healer(s) can take his place?
        Its a very difficult thing to write a guide to a raid to cover what a youtube video cant cover, and that is what damage and abilities to expect from a boss. The rest is knowledge and experience, really.
        "The voices in my head may not be real, but they have some good ideas."


          Originally posted by Kamchak View Post
          The problem with raiding is the setup to the raid group itself. How many melee do you have? How many casters? What casters do you have? What healers do you have? What tanks are in which role (MT vs OT). It all factors in how a raid is setup.
          Case in point; Heroic Morchok. You need 2 groups to deal with him when he splits. You need to know who your soaker is going to be standing close to him when he stomps to absorb the damage. What heals do you have to divide between the groups? Since the right side takes more damage, do you take your single strongest heal with that group (Paladin for us), or do you take your two weaker healers? Do you bring your strongest healer and weakest to that side since your mid healer can handle the other side?
          Soaking; do you use a rogue? A priest? Switch out between the two?
          Basically it comes down to the raid leader. What do I have in my team, and where do I need them to be effective? In order to do that, you need to know how to play the classes, or have a very solid understanding on how they are played. If you dont have a pally in the above situation like we have, what healer(s) can take his place?
          Its a very difficult thing to write a guide to a raid to cover what a youtube video cant cover, and that is what damage and abilities to expect from a boss. The rest is knowledge and experience, really.
          goddamn raiding does sound difficult. i guess thats why i only PvP and RBG xD

