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Moving up to the next guide/section while leveling

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    Moving up to the next guide/section while leveling

    Something I think would be a cool upgrade is when you get this message, "Would you like tyo move the the next level". Is to have it say "Would you like to turn in all your completed quests before moving on?" Then using the new "get there" technology for 4.x turn in all the completed quests before starting the next section.

    I'm leveling a Monk and with Heirlooms, Rest Exp and the Monk EXP daily and I found several times just turning in the completed quests would give me half the bar for starting the next section.

    Only other issue I have is the Gear thingy keeps trying to replace the heirloom weapons.

    Other than these, Zygor is an amazing piece of software.

    I like this idea about turning in completed quests before moving on. I've done this in the past leveling with heirlooms before.


      Turning in completed quests before moving on to the next guide section is something that is planned for the future.


        Originally posted by Cartman View Post
        Turning in completed quests before moving on to the next guide section is something that is planned for the future.
        Just out of curiosity, would this take into account the experience that would be gained from turning in the completed quests?

        For example, say I have four completed quests - turning in those quests would give me the xp I need to be able to move on to the next leveling area; so instead of doing grind-fests to complete a bunch more quests that I wouldn't otherwise have to have (the Naga in Zangarmarsh come to mind), I could just stop doing what I'm doing in that particular zone, and turn in my currently completed quests to get the XP I need to move on to the next part of the leveling guide...

        I hope that made sense.
        Last edited by fluffychef; October 15, 2012, 05:20 PM. Reason: made a correction


          I understand what you mean, and it would be very nice for the guides to factor in 'potential' XP for determining when it's time to move on. This is all still being looked at for possibilities so who knows how it will turn out.
          My Flight Path Follies guide

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          I reject your reality and substitute my own.

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            Along these lines I have another suggestion. The leveling guides don't seem to ever take me to orange quests. I'm leveling a druid with 7 heirlooms, and belong to a level 25 guild. The vast majority of the time I'm performing green quests. Could you provide an "aggressiveness" setting that would let me tackle orange quests? I do like the Zygor leveling guides, but they seem to lag behind my progress when I'm leveling with so many heirlooms. A way to go from orange to orange would be perfect! I understand quests are chained, but it seems we could do better...


              Just load a guide for a higher level zone...
              Race and Class: Dwarven Priest Character Name: Jacq US server: Cenarion Circle
              Primary Spec: Shadow Secondary Spec: Discipline


                Originally posted by bvanpelt View Post
                Along these lines I have another suggestion. The leveling guides don't seem to ever take me to orange quests. I'm leveling a druid with 7 heirlooms, and belong to a level 25 guild. The vast majority of the time I'm performing green quests. Could you provide an "aggressiveness" setting that would let me tackle orange quests? I do like the Zygor leveling guides, but they seem to lag behind my progress when I'm leveling with so many heirlooms. A way to go from orange to orange would be perfect! I understand quests are chained, but it seems we could do better...
                I don't agree with littlewierdo on certain things he says but I do have to agree on this about going to a higher level zone but only to a certain point. Like many other times I have sat back and read his posts, I again feel like he did not take into consideration all the factors that are involved. By going to higher level zones than what the guide suggests you may not be able to get any quests. If you go to a zone which would be say 5 levels above your level you may not be able to get starter quests for the zone. In all reality with 7 heirlooms and being in a lvl 25 guild you could probably get away with doing quests more than 5 levels above you. But again you risk not being able to get any quests what so ever. Unfortunately which is no fault of Zygor or his guide we are stuck to doing the quests in suggested areas and up to 5 levels above us. I mean seriously even if you eliminated the Zygor guide all together you are still stuck in the same situation. Blizzard can't even take into account your gear, guild level and then suggest an appropriate zone. Blizzard can only take into account your toons level.
                Last edited by artega; November 21, 2012, 12:28 PM.


                  Originally posted by artega View Post
                  By going to higher level zones than what the guide suggests you may not be able to get any quests.
                  You are totally right on that, I experienced this when going to Hinterlands just when the guide suggested it. And on one occasion I was only able to get a quest by turning in a previous quest which gave me a level up.
                  But sometimes the guide directs you to lower level zones. For example the Winterspring guide, if I remember it correctly it's in the Kalimdor guide for a lower level than in the Eastern Kingdoms guide. But that's due to the level requirements of later zones or because the guide suggests to go to Outlands at level 60 and there's not much content to reach 60.


                    In my limited leveling experience, xp is gained faster doing 'green' lower level quests because the xp you are primarily going to level from is turning quests in, not xp gained from kills (questing is after all how the game leveling process was structured). The primary reason for this is the aggro range for 'green' mobs is much less. This means fewer kills are required for 'gathering' quests and allows you to avoid alot of unnecessary kills that give less than ideal xp. It also makes 'adds' much more manageable if it happens and is also much less likely to happen in the first place due to the lower aggro range.

                    Zones in WoW are generally linked to two or three other zones in that, they lead into each other with pre-req quests. Western and Eastern plaguelands are just one example. However, there is nothing stopping you from loading a completely different zone on the opposite continent. There is alot of overlap (ie. multiple zones to pick from for the level your toon is) in the pre-BC leveling process.

                    So when I suggested loading a different guide, for those already familiar with the zones and how they are (or might be linked) should just consider loading a zone completely unrelated. Sure, there might be pre-reqs that you may miss but that is after all why there is a 'skip' step button. If a step is telling you to do something and you know you had to skip an 'accept a quest' step, look in your quest log and make sure you have that quest.

                    1-5 Cataclysm Gilneas City (WorgenWorgen only)
                    1-5 Cataclysm Kezan (GoblinGoblin only)
                    1-10 TBC Azuremyst Isle
                    1-10 Dun Morogh
                    1-10 Durotar
                    1-10 Elwynn Forest
                    1-10 TBC Eversong Woods
                    1-10 Mulgore
                    1-10 Teldrassil
                    1-10 Tirisfal Glades
                    1-10 Mists of Pandaria Wandering Isle (PandarenPandaren only)
                    5-12 Cataclysm Gilneas (WorgenWorgen only)
                    5-12 Cataclysm Lost Isles (GoblinGoblin only)
                    10-15 Westfall
                    10-20 Azshara
                    10-20 TBC Bloodmyst Isle
                    10-20 Darkshore
                    10-20 TBC Ghostlands
                    10-20 Loch Modan
                    10-20 Northern Barrens
                    10-20 Silverpine Forest
                    14-16 Ruins of Gilneas
                    15-20 Redridge Mountains
                    20-25 Ashenvale
                    20-25 Duskwood
                    20-25 Hillsbrad Foothills
                    20-25 Wetlands
                    25-30 Arathi Highlands
                    25-30 Northern Stranglethorn
                    25-30 Stonetalon Mountains
                    30-35 Cape of Stranglethorn
                    30-35 Desolace
                    30-35 Hinterlands
                    30-35 Southern Barrens
                    35-40 Dustwallow Marsh
                    35-40 Feralas
                    35-40 Western Plaguelands
                    40-45 Eastern Plaguelands
                    40-45 Thousand Needles
                    45-48 Badlands
                    45-50 Felwood
                    45-50 Tanaris
                    48-50 Searing Gorge
                    50-52 Burning Steppes
                    50-55 Un'Goro Crater
                    50-55 Winterspring
                    52-54 Swamp of Sorrows
                    54-58 Blasted Lands
                    55-58 WotLK Scarlet Enclave (DeathKnight only)
                    55-60 Deadwind Pass (also 68-70)
                    55-60 Moonglade
                    55-60 Silithus
                    58-63 TBC Hellfire Peninsula
                    60-64 TBC Zangarmarsh
                    62-65 TBC Terokkar Forest
                    64-67 TBC Nagrand
                    65-68 TBC Blade's Edge Mountains
                    67-70 TBC Netherstorm
                    67-70 TBC Shadowmoon Valley
                    68-70 TBC Isle of Quel'Danas
                    68-70 Deadwind Pass (also 55-60)
                    68-72 WotLK Howling Fjord
                    68-72 WotLK Borean Tundra
                    71-75 WotLK Dragonblight
                    73-75 WotLK Grizzly Hills
                    74-76 WotLK Zul'Drak
                    76-78 WotLK Sholazar Basin
                    77-80 WotLK Crystalsong Forest
                    77-80 WotLK Hrothgar's Landing
                    77-80 WotLK Icecrown
                    77-80 WotLK Storm Peaks
                    77-80 WotLK Wintergrasp
                    80-82 Cataclysm Mount Hyjal
                    80-82 Cataclysm Vashj'ir
                    82-83 Cataclysm Deepholm
                    83-84 Cataclysm Uldum
                    84-85 Cataclysm Twilight Highlands
                    85-86 Cataclysm Tol Barad
                    85-87 Cataclysm Molten Front
                    1-85 Cataclysm Darkmoon Island
                    85-86 Mists of Pandaria Jade Forest
                    86-87 Mists of Pandaria Valley of the Four Winds
                    86-87, 90 Mists of Pandaria Krasarang Wilds
                    87-88 Mists of Pandaria Kun-Lai Summit
                    88-89 Mists of Pandaria Townlong Steppes
                    89-90 Mists of Pandaria Dread Wastes
                    90 Mists of Pandaria Vale of Eternal Blossoms
                    Last edited by littlewierdo; November 23, 2012, 11:22 AM.
                    Race and Class: Dwarven Priest Character Name: Jacq US server: Cenarion Circle
                    Primary Spec: Shadow Secondary Spec: Discipline


                      Hope it is soon... I'm starting to do the pee-pee dance with anticipation!


                        and get to guide to move on before the zone goes green !!!!! and YES THERE IS AN XP LOSS FOR NOT MOVING ON

