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Take flights automatically, hard to disable for a quick flight, Off-Quest.

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    Take flights automatically, hard to disable for a quick flight, Off-Quest.

    If I need to take a flight elsewhere on a side item, there is no quick way to disable this function. I am forced to open the options, go to the extra features section, uncheck "Take flight paths automatically" and hit Ok.
    The Primary and Secondary display modes need a button; possibly on the top row, or there needs to be a Hotkey Combo(I wouldn't recommend this).

    I was frustrated by this, too, but I eventually came up with a work-around that I'm liking a lot:

    Open map and shift-click where I want to go. Now the Zygor travel system will get me there automatically. My main frustration right now is if I am too close to the green dot (where I shift-clicked) when I land, then it makes it challenging to remove my temporary waypoint (done via a right-click)...so I'm learning to "miss" my target by a decent little amount so I have room to right-click it off.

    Still not perfect, but now I'm making Zygor work for me instead of against me to get me to my pit stop.

