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Stick the arrow pointer to the guide window so it moves up/down with it...

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    Stick the arrow pointer to the guide window so it moves up/down with it...

    Hi all,

    I'm using the guide up side down, as its on the bottom of my screen, right above the chat window. The arrow pointer is right above the guide, so I can see directions instantly.

    If the guide is showing a lot of info (like for instance dailies with multiple choices), the guide window will expand upwards a lot, and the arrow pointer disappears behind the guide window.

    Is it all possible the attach the arrow pointer to the guide window itself, so it will move up/down with the guide window while it grows and shrinks?

    Keep up the good work, very fond user of all the guides

    Right now that isn't possible, but you can move the arrow around so that it's at a different spot. For example if you have the guide viewer on the right side of the screen you can move the arrow to the left (or bottom) side of the guide viewer (instead of on top) and then the arrow won't be hidden if the guide viewer expands upward for a large step.
    My Flight Path Follies guide

    A pessimist knows all women are bad... an optimist hopes they are.

    I reject your reality and substitute my own.

    All foreign languages are done with Google Translate.


      This is not actual possible right now, BUT if you want it to do it is fairly easy to do.

      Here is the macro:

      /run ZGV.Pointer.ArrowFrameCtrl:ClearAllPoints()
      /run ZGV.Pointer.ArrowFrameCtrl:SetPoint("BOTTOM",ZGV.F rame,"TOP",0,50)

      If you run this macro then the arrow will be right above the guide viewer for the duration of that session. If you reload or change characters you will have to run the macro again.

      Hope this helps


        Thx both. I guess I'm very fond of having the arrow stick to the frame, so its no option to move it elsewhere...

        The macro is working great, thank you for that! (ps had to remove the space between the F and rame in the 2nd command to get it to work ;-) )

        Now back to my, much easier, wow live and enjoy all there is to enjoy

