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Shopping Cart, bundling.

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    Shopping Cart, bundling.

    I have two suggestions, and I'm pretty sure they've probably been suggested before,but I'd like to throw them out there again because I think they're probably pretty high on the list...

    One for sure I know has been suggested, but I'm going to give it a specific.

    First, please please please allow us to add multiple items to the shopping cart. Having to punch in my information for each product is really annoying - and it gives me time to second guess making the purchase...

    Second, a bundling deal! I know this is a hot topic - and you guys give X% off sometimes (like Cyber Monday) which is cool. But today isn't Cyber Monday, and I just bought two guides... :/ Anyway, my suggestion is that when buying multiple guides for the same faction, could we get the same bundling deal that you offer for the same guide purchased for both factions? Like the $50 for both factions on one guide, or $50 for two guides on the same faction? That would be pretty cool - especially to wicked awesome people like me who only use one faction (loyalty ain't dead, my friends!).

    Anyway, yeah I'm a Zygor customer and I'll probably always will be until WoW burns out...but maybe for future reference could this be kept in mind for new customers, or maybe even make it available for future Xpac updates or something?

    Anyway, great work guys - love the guides! Keep at it!

    I know there is some work being done to have a shopping cart type of system but there is no ETA on when it might be available. The bundle pricing is a nice idea but that is something that would probably only happen after a shopping cart is in place because with the current system it's not easy to assign a discount for an individual person.
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