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I have just a few suggestions

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    I have just a few suggestions

    Although I love the guides. It seems to completely remove the PVP side of the game. There does not seem to be anything related to the PVP side. No gear suggestions or anything. As we all know. the best PVE gear will not work in the PVP side and vice versa. Are there any plans to move into this area.

    Also. The professions leveling guide is good. But it is not complete. Having 600 in inscription is meaningless unless you have all the items available for making. Some require to be purchased from different vendors and some require specific reputations with certain factions in order to obtain. Any plans to incorporate this?

    I do not know if PvP stuff will be added at any time. The guides were all initially designed around the idea of solo questing.

    There are plans to add in methods to obtain the various profession recipes. I do not know when this will be implemented.
    My Flight Path Follies guide

    A pessimist knows all women are bad... an optimist hopes they are.

    I reject your reality and substitute my own.

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