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Enhanced Window for the Reputations Guide

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    Enhanced Window for the Reputations Guide

    This is just a suggestion, and my graphics are quick examples only. I've found the current window lacking information which is required to make a choice in an easy manner. Maybe what I'm suggesting can be reworked to fit Zygor's format/theme, etc. Obviously, the longest name (at the bottom of the left-side list) will have to be considered. I didn't take the time to do it.

    reputations guide window-1.jpg Reputations Window-2.jpg

    Note: The numerical values I entered are merely placeholders for actual values to help users see how far they still need to progress per Reputation titles.

    Added this to the idea pile.
    My Flight Path Follies guide

    A pessimist knows all women are bad... an optimist hopes they are.

    I reject your reality and substitute my own.

    All foreign languages are done with Google Translate.


      Thanks, but I'm certain that it was a waste of my time, since 'the team' is actively pursuing more dollars and have apparently stopped nearly all fixes. The update log has been dormant for a long time, except for a very few minor things once-per-week.

      I suggested what I did because I believe it would be an improvement. It satisfied me in having done so, I don't expect they will go through that pile. I'm aware they don't want to fix anything they don't actually 'have' to fix. I understand their viewpoint. However, to me.... "Good enough -- Isn't!"

