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Recruting others

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    Recruting others

    This suggestion may of already been posted and I might just be missing it. If it is I apologize ahead of time and request this post be taken down then.

    I think it would be nice to give bonus material or guides to those who do something like a recruit a friend. If they have someone come and try out the guide then buy it and mention their name that is. This would give incentive for people to bring others to the Zygor community even more. I've already suggested the guide to several friends who now swear by the guide in its ease of the guide and the speed at which they can now reach lvl 80.

    This is nothing more then a suggestion of sorts and not looking for any response really. To me tho I live and swear by this guide and have yet to find one nearly as helpful or as fast as Zygor's Guide. Thank you for all your help and dedication to this guide and keeping it up to date and im looking forward to the Cataclysm Guide

    There is a bit of an incentive program: http://www.zygorguides.com/affiliates/index.php
    My Flight Path Follies guide

    A pessimist knows all women are bad... an optimist hopes they are.

    I reject your reality and substitute my own.

    All foreign languages are done with Google Translate.

