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Common setup, easy fix

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    Common setup, easy fix

    Now, I have several different alts that I play with. My UI is virtually identical from char to char, with the only real differences being class-speciffic things (petbar, forms, stances) and the contents of the actionbars.

    The major difference is actually Zygor Guides, where it is quite difficult to synchronize from char to char. Why? Because there is a leftover from olden times in the config files - back from before the product had matured.

    profiles.{character - Server}.guidename is the reason I cannot change all profileKeys to "Default".

    The only place profiles.{character - Server}.guidename is used, is during startup in ZygorGuidesViewer.lua, and that is evidently only as a fallback in case char.{character - Server}.guidename is empty.

    I'd like to request the removal of profiles.{character - Server}.guidename, so that we can synchronize our layout across all characters by setting all profileKeys to "Deafult"

    The CIA deliberately spread misinformation that tin-foil hats prevent mind control.
    The horrible truth is, that tinfoil hats enable mind control.

    Si vis pacem, para bellum

    Indeed the fallback is there like you're saying, but why would that prevent you from having a common "Default" profile across all characters? After all, profile.guidename is never written to - so if it's not set, and (more importantly) char.guidename has a last used guide name in it, the leftover value should never be a problem, should it?

    I've just successfully set two characters to share a "Default" profile, and they properly retain one another's settings, while each has their own guide, as expected.

    Is there a problem on your end that causes the guides to be retained between characters, for some reason? If so, perhaps - being at least somewhat experienced with code, I imagine - you could just remove the guidename lines from the WTF/Account/user/ZygorGuidesViewer.lua file.

    The fallback will be removed, thank you for pointing it out - but it should never have interfered with proper profile sharing.


      Originally posted by zgdev View Post
      Is there a problem on your end that causes the guides to be retained between characters, for some reason?

      The fallback will be removed, thank you for pointing it out - but it should never have interfered with proper profile sharing.
      I have found another issue that prevents a Default profile from working properly: You are saving window positions to layout-local.txt. I fixed my issues by using copy/paste - no big deal, as I was already doing the same for the chat window positioning. But you may want to revise that practice.

      Frame: ZygorGuidesViewerMapIcon
      FrameLevel: 2
      Anchor: BOTTOMRIGHT
      X: -287
      Y: 14
      W: 32
      H: 32
      Frame: ZygorGuidesViewerFrameMaster
      FrameLevel: 18
      Anchor: BOTTOMRIGHT
      X: -280
      Y: 170
      W: 40
      H: 40
      Frame: ZygorGuidesViewerPointerArrowFrame
      FrameLevel: 1
      Anchor: BOTTOMRIGHT
      X: -204
      Y: 94
      W: 50
      H: 50

      The CIA deliberately spread misinformation that tin-foil hats prevent mind control.
      The horrible truth is, that tinfoil hats enable mind control.

      Si vis pacem, para bellum

